Secret Sanctuary

Hi, I’m SecretTamer, and welcome to Secret Sanctuary! I don’t know why it’s not letting me format this… It’s really neat in my settings, but here everything’s bunched up. Hmmm… guess I’ll just find out later! Anyways… I didn’t want to write in the ‘about me’ part, since there is a max of 255 characters, and there’s not enough space to fit everything I want there, so I just put one of my favorite quotes:) About Me: I am a teenage female who loves to read, play games, and just sit there and stare out the window. I have two ducks named Donald (male) and Wobble (female). I have a little sister who plays this game too, but is on a hiatus right now. Her username is Stardust. She owns Stardust Sanctuary. She gets on occasionally to help me get money, items, and dogs. Please send me a message introducing yourself before sending a request to me. I try to keep my dogs unlocked most of the time, but when I'm busy, I lock them. Sometimes I unlock them, thinking I have time to take care of them, and end up not, I have not choice but to just leave them. So if you see a dog that looks like it hasn’t been taken care of for 2 days (which should be the max), they’ll all be taken care of by next week. Pricing: My dogs start at a bid of $25000 or $7500, but please message me if you want to discuss another price. My litters are rarely for sale, but once in a while I will sell a puppy. Breeds: I breed toy poodles, eurasiers, silken windhounds, whippets, kai ken, and Tibetan spaniels.These breeds are actually the ones I would have in real life, except the border collies, which are more of my dream dogs. The kai ken especially, since if I was a dog, I would be a kai ken. Shop: I always try to make my prices lower than the others, please check it out! I’m happy to help with anything if I can. Hope you have a great day/night;)

Game Time

09:38pm on Mar 11

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