Easy Street Kennels

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Easy Street Kennels

The breeds I have routinely change, but Labradors seem to stick. Scroll to the bottom for Bonus Information on some "debut dogs."

The only reason I really have Labradors anyway is because my dog (in game), Malt, is just so cute I couldn't get rid of him. But then, I wanted to breed Labradors and he was just not quality enough to use as a stud.


I usually try to breed dogs for stats. (i.e. Excellent), but sometimes I do just like to mess around. My labs have come a long way, and they still have quite a ways to go. I do like to occasionally buy a bunch of a new breed off the market, so sometimes I get a little crazy with litters. If you look at my kennel and notice that some of my dogs are not well taken care of, I hate to break it to you, but it's a game and I don't need to take care of all my dogs. If this was real life, that would never happen, I assure you! Then you might notice that most of my dogs are looked after well.

I have a policy of respect to other users and their dogs. When I buy a dog off the market, I take care of it, especially if it's previous owner spent time on it. I wish other users (looking at you one specific person) would extend the same due respect, and not A) sell the dog they bought for a higher price. B) neglect or misuse a dog I spent a lot of time and effort on. C) all of the above.

IRL: My favorite breed is the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. But I don't have one, instead I have a rescue golden retriever and she is just precious. A little ridiculous at times, and maybe a little crazy, but precious nonetheless.

This dog is my proudest accomplishment (on my old account): https://www.furry-paws.com/dog/index/7127178/history - His oldest offspring are more than a year old already!

The image to the left and both below are off of depositimages.com. It said royalty free, so that's why I decided to put them on the page.

(Label) (Label)
My pricing of dogs works as follows (please note that sometimes my prices don't fit the rubric but are more or less the same value):
Rarer breed: $$$

Common breed: $

Bigger dog: $$$

Smaller dog: $

Well trained: $$$

Somewhat trained: $$

Not trained: $

(Female) Breedable: $$$

(Female) Breedable soon: $$

(Female) Not breedable: $

Good/rare appearance: $$$

Mediocre appearance: $$

Bad appearance/not clean: $

Generally great genes: $$$

Generally mediocre genes: $$

Generally bad genes: $

"Debut Dogs" are dogs I have bred/raised/trained that I want to sell either because they're not useful, take up space, or because I raised them specifically to be sold. They're usually between 15-50 days old, but may be more depending. They're called "Debut Dogs" because they've never had any other owner, and are making their debut on the market. These dogs are useful to people breeding new lines, or for people who want to raise a dog to get an achievement. This is why my pricing rules don't apply to them. They may be much more expensive than my usual prices!

Game Time

08:53pm on Mar 4

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