Welcome to Free Spirited kennel, home of beautiful border collies, english shepherds, shelties. Here you can find puppies and/or dogs. Well earlier I was selling my dogs for really small price, but now... well, lets just say "inflation":)

From 10/23/22 to 10/06/23 this kennel was "Sparks Of Heaven kennel" (KSOH), but 10/06/23 it was named Free Spirited (FSK9). Why? Because my dog's name (Figa) means free spirited, so I decided to name a kennel after her name's meaning:)

More about kennel: The first and main breed of this kennel is border collie. I have no plans with border collies, just trying to breed with the best stats and with 24HH. I prefer black and white or blue and white border collies, so here I breed mostly those colors puppies. Studs are all pretty cheap and good. More about studs: all males are studs, but if they are younger I just rarely accept stud request. Why all males at young age become studs? Just because Im too absent minded to remember put them at stud when they are right age. Anyways. More about my breeding plans. I breed females 2-3 times in their life. Sometimes I keep the puppies, sometimes I sell them. Puppies' price is 0. I accept the biggest bid. Sometimes I can be not active for like a month or two. And when I see that I cant take care of my dogs I lock them. If you buy a dog or puppy from this kennel you can rename it, or resell it to others if you want to.


STUDS. The best studs:

  • GCA SKRI The Art Of War aka Norman – english shepherd, 4× Excellent, 24HH, 1.615x, 4×int, sport: agility
  • WCA FREE SPIRITED Amicus Optimus In Aeternum aka Jade – border collie, 4× Excellent, 24HH, 1.415x, 2×agi, int, stm, sport: agility
  • ExH FREE SPIRITED No One Will Ever Hurt You aka Bingo – border collie, 4× Excellent, 24HH, 1.467x, 3×stm, agi, sport: herding


Also please don't forget to follow my real life dog's instagram:) ig: @figathebordercollie

Game Time

06:42pm on Mar 28

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