Melanippe Trackers

Welcome to Melanippe Trackers, home of tracking & hunting dogs big and small!
I am a trainer and I primarily train my dogs in: Tracking, Scent Hurdles, Field Trials, Hunting Trials, & Earth Trials. I take priority in speed, stamina, intelligence & strength. I'm attempting to establish different lines in my breeds dedicated to a particular sport. I also keep an eye on genes; after 24HH and sport aptitude, I look for interesting colors in my dogs, includingr ecessive ones^^

~ Chinese Crested // constellations // 24HH lala; tracking focus; black, chocolate, blue, cream, isabella w points
~ Clumber Spaniel // flowers // 24HH lala; tracking focus
~ Papillon // desserts // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus
~ Saint Bernard // mountains // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus
~ Skye Terrier // minerals // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus
~ Otterhound // sandwiches // 24HH lala; sport focus; blue or faded color & Irish white, roan permitted, or just white
~ Leonberger // undecided // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus
~ Manchester Terrier // dinosaurs // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus
~ Smooth Fox Terrier // birds // 24HH lala; sport focus; color focus

— \\ PROJECTS (upcoming and current)
~ Project Cujo // breed my minecraft dogs Cujo (rip), Sasha (rip), Odysseus, Penelope & Telemachus
~ Porcelaine, Kooikerhondje, Briard, Silky Terrier, CKCS, Appenzeller Mountain Dog, Azores Cattle Dog, Dandie Dinmont Terrier

But who am I?

You can say my registered name is "Murrecloud" or "Felieryx"! I am a minor who is passionate about all things animal and nature. I love to read and learn more about the things I love; worldbuild; and draw! I am open to friend requests and will respond to most DMs except for messages like "hi" with no elaboration.

I have a topic where I sell adopts of various dog breeds: Here!
On Toyhouse and Artfight I go by felieryx.

Game Time

01:09am on Mar 12

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