Barry's Mudis

I've Got Quality Mudis on

Welcome To Barry's Flying Mudis

I was on a way too long hiatus, and all my unlocked dogs aged out and retired, so I am starting a clean slate with unlocked dogs and new propsects.

About This Kennel

Note: Locked dogs and litters are to be used to bring back the BaMu (origin) lineage full force once I am sure I can keep a login score. Retirement Render dogs are for competition and retirement.
Currently my main kennel, I use it most often to train in flyball while I also breed my original BaMu lineage.
My original lineage of Enok and Skye are going to be labelled with the prefix of BaMu because I want to keep track of it, I am proud of how far I am going with the lineage and It will be tracked. There will be outside-lineage females or males required obviously however they will not have the label.

Side Kennels

With how I am slowly getting back into the game, these will remain locked until I believe I can do them justice.
You are more than welcome to look them over however :)
Diversity Dogs
Schutzhund Guardians

Kennel's Original Lineage

Enok and Sky

Enok Skye

First Blessed Pup



Kennel Goals

-Performer Achievements: Currently Blue Ribbon
-Progenitor Achievements: Currently Blue Ribbon
-Diversifier Achievements: Currently Yellow Ribbon
-Earner Achievements: Currently Basic Earner
-Breeder Profession: Currently 2 Star
-Trainer Profession: Currently 1 Star

Thank you for visiting my kennel!
Please come back soon!

Game Time

07:12am on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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