KEY TO THE DOGS NAMES the first name must start with the letter of the dog's breed. (EX: border collie with the name Braxton) no spaces with the name we use "-" instead (EX: Braxton-****) the second name just needs to sound good with the first (EX: Braxton-Boyd) now we use the back of the name in () for color, pattern, and breeding. Color: Red=RD Isabella=IB White=WT Black=BK Fawn=FN Blue=BE Silver=SI Chocolate=CA Cream=CR Brown=BW Markings: Sable= 1 Mask= 2 Brindle=3 Grizzle=4 Mearl=5 Points=6 Light Undersides=7 Irish=8 Piebald=9 Roan=0 Saddle=11 Ticking=22 Fading=33 Braxton is Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask and his breeding is Lla (EX: Braxton-Boyd (SI. now we go off of the stats of the dog (DNB) means Do not breed/not have good stats (EX: (DNB) Braxton-Boyd (SI. (G) means stats are all good (EX: (G) Braxton-Boyd (SI. (G+) means 3 good one excellent (EX: (G+) Braxton-Boyd (SI. (G&E) means 2 good 2 excellent or even (EX: (G&E) Braxton-Boyd (SI. (E-1) means all are exempt but one good (EX: (E-1) Braxton-Boyd (SI. (E) This means all excellent stats (EX:(E) Braxton-Boyd (SI. _-SELL HISTORY-_

Game Time

07:02pm on Mar 14

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