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Get 24HH lala on my English Springers
My real life pet is Zebedee. He's an English Springer Spaniel. Zeb is lovely, attention-seeking, food-loving, six years old but thinks he's a puppy, clever, but in another way daft, but altogether he's the perfect dog for me :) I love him so much!! He gives the most wonderful snuggles, and after you've givene him a scratch in his favourite place (under his chin) he always licks your hand as if to say "Thank you!"! He he's in my primary characters folder on toyhouse - you can see some real life images of him there! He always needs more art, so I really appreciate anything drawn for him :)
How my kennel works: I have two side accounts. One, I use for making pamphlets. The other, I use as a storage account. What is the point of your storage account, you ask?
Well, I send any dogs that are locked and not being used/are not going to be used to my second side account, the storage one. There, they are kept in a storage kennel. Dogs 110+ days are usually sold from there. Other dogs will be kept in the "Dogs with potential" kennel, where they will remained locked.
Often, I will raise my dogs on my side account before moving them to this, my main account. On my main account, I keep only the best dogs. Well, usually anyway xD!!
Thanks so much for viewing my kennel!!!