The Keen Kennel Rescue and Breeding Centre

Welcome to The Keen Kennel Rescue and Breeding Centre! Please read about the SPECIAL SPA! Here you can buy dogs that are looking for a good home, and can breed your dogs with mine to have a result of an adorable litter! Note: If you are breeding with a dog from me, please check that it is not related to the dog you are breeding with mine. I am looking for a good home for my dogs who are in the rescue part, and if you place a bid on one of them I will look around your kennel to see if it's fit for the dog you wish to become the owner of. Same for breeding requests, but instead of looking around your kennel, I will look at your dog you wish to breed with mine. I also hold 2 special treatments, which are all held in Special Spa. What happens is, you put whichever dog you wish to take part, into my care. It will be fed the best food (I give the dog the best food depending on their level. I usually use the Lacrima Basic Health Formula, but if the dog was able to have something even more luxurious, such as Lacrima Premium, I would give that to the dog/dogs. Please tell me whether you want a different flavour.), have the best training sessions every day, get 100% in every status (comfort, happiness, grooming and condition), due to my sturdy toys, best treats and chews, and stay in the spa's very own kennel! It will also get a leash and collar of the colour and style of your liking (as long as the style of your choice isn't TOO expensive!), if your dog/dogs don't have one.This treatment is called Lush Luxury. You can do it for any amount of days up to 10. The second treatment is called Caring Care. In Caring Care, you can transfer the dog of your choice to me, where I will look after it until the level you want it to be (level 5 is a recommended level). It will be given all of the things Lush Luxury has, but for longer. It is $500 per day for Lush Luxury, and if you contact me for Caring Care, I will sort out a price that is appropriate depending on the level you want your dog to be. Then, if you agree to the price, you can transfer the dog to me and I will put it into the Special Spa! Please look at my litters to see if there are any for sale! I specialise in Golden Retrievers, Australian Shepherds, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Dachshunds, Samoyeds, German Shepherds, Great Pyrennes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Border Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs. I try to look after my dogs fairly and well. If you want to contact me about Special Spa or just a request, place a bid, or a breeding request, please remember I am not allowed to go online on Sundays. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for understanding!

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07:34am on Mar 3

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