Jackolo2's Kennel

Hi, we breed Portuguese Water Dogs for Water Work. We are currently aiming towards breeding aptitude into our line as well as maintaining a variety of colours.

Our dogs are bred for optimum competition performance. This includes their competition multipliers, excellent health scores, stats and aptitude.

Formula: ((Agi + Spd + Str) x2 + (Cha + Int + Stm)) x (HS1 + HS2 + HS3 + HS4) x Comp Multiplier x Aptitude)

Key: HS = Health Score (Hips, Elbows, Eyes, Ears)

Poor: 0.5

Fair/Good: 1

Excellent: 1.5

If yes (For Water Aptitude) - 1.5

If no - 1

None of our dogs are bred before Level 10. The combined level of both parents must be at least 30

I've Got Quality Portuguese Water Dogs on Furry-Paws.com

Our PWD's

NW Jackolo Dark Chocolate Warrior "Elsie" (Puppy) F

NW Jackolo Under The Sun "Sun" (Puppy) F

JPnW FPBB Jackolo Its Five To Five "Basil" (#419 L3) M

PnW ANSh LEM Jackolo New Beginning "Remi" (#364 L8) M

MW Jackolo Rainforest Diva "Tali" (#165 L19) F

JAW Jackolo She's A Reality Star "Penny" (#409 L4) F

ChW Jackolo The Diplodocus "Floppy" (#129 L25) M

ExW Jackolo Crash In A Flash "Banshee" (#143 L23) F

ExW Jackolo Insomnia Mania "Manic" (#146 L23) M

ANHu JPnP Jackolo Born In Philidelphia "Felicity" (#386 L5) F

I've Got Quality Portuguese Water Dogs on Furry-Paws.com

Breeding Plans

Unfortunately we have no breeding plans at present. However, our current breeding dogs are:

Girls: Tali, Banshee

Boys: Floppy, Manic

Game Time

01:06am on Mar 11

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