Elises' Kennels

To cheat, just press spacebar repeatedly! About my own game ElisesHundar(R).se, as of soon I'm gonna create a FP-post about my code to get help with it. Surely. :) This game is a real baby of mine, its me and my moms baby. She's helping me to code it. It is a game where you take care of novisar. :) We are gonna add our own smileys. :) U don't need BBcode. We are gonna have our own forum. For sure, this is something really fun and exciting and I've been waiting to replenish the site. Its' a real fav game, with a lot of cute functions and featurettes. We are sure to bring all of peoples and our players dreams into reality with the ability* to buy vortexes, contact SÄPO, have fun with your own staff and perhaps breed a couple of novisar which you are supposed to inbreed for your own mixed breeds. So, it's a mixed-mixed breeds game. :D

Buy a Saluki

Yes, Rev. This is Elania. I have 3 stalkers: Josefine's mamma, Josefine and Granberg.

Game Time

12:38am on Feb 28

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