Parrot Farm Kennels

Parrot Farm Kennels
~Breeder of BT Coonhounds~

Hai there! My name is Elise and I've been playing FP originally since 2007. It was fun, because I became a digital artisté. I use a PTH-660 and Photoshop Elements. It's what I'll be getting in x-mas pressie. :3 I'd love to invite my cousins to this game, whoever are they even interested?

This sadly ain't the world's best game, because that is my own game (that is the World's Best Game). If you visit my first dog you can see the name of it; A little coding tip of mine: Code previous progress to your site, so that whenever another coder looks at your code they'll understand what you've squirty done;
As my mom expertly stated: PRROV AV LAW OU ATTRACTION

Millionaire Club
Members: -Wizibon© WoX Note to self: Dont' buy any dogs from other players

Game Time

01:27pm on Jan 21

Welcome Guest

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