Once Upon A Time Kennel

Welcome to OUATK! Currently I am trying to narrow down which breeds I am going to specialize in!
I'm Zan or Zandril! I used to go by A.n.z!
A few things about me:
1. I am 34 years old.
Kennel Tag: Text.

Working on it.
Layout Type What's Included Price
Kennel Info here x
Casso Info here x
What's Included Amount Ordered Price
Background, text, up to 3 animals/breeds 3 or less x
3 or more x
Service About What's Included Price
Post Coding Coding for posts for dog sales, character sales, or casso interest posts Header, pictures, background. X
Layout Coding I will code full page layouts for kennels and cassos. Text boxes, navigation links, specifically colored to match layout image X
I have decided to specialize in a few different breeds. They are: Boxer, Finnish Lapphund, Saluki and Xoloitzcuintle. I will have random breeds that I happen to end up with, but they are just back burner breeds and not working on them specifically.
Breed Dog Level Title
Breed Name # Title

Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here. Dog Stuff goes here.
I finally decided on which breeds I will be specializing it. And I have my layout almost done being filled in! I finally started playing again, and I'm hoping that I don't end up having to take a break again.
Will update this shortly.

Game Time

07:33am on Feb 21

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