Wingbeat Rescue&Retirement Kennels

Christen Lien - Unabi - Vol. Unabi

Stars of the Lid - Fac 21
L. Pierre - Ache - Dip

Everything below this line is out of date. ==================================================

Wingbeat Rescue&Retirement Kennels lives up to it's name. Each day we're online we look for unhappy and unhealthy dogs, as well as eldery dogs, and make them comfortable as long as we the room and money. We vaccinate them, play with them and when they're ready we sell them (except a few of our lovely dogs and the older and younger ones).

Rescuing:I rescue dogs of all ages, all breeds who are unhappy and unhealthy. Several of them were puppies I tell you, puppies!
If a dog is 80 days or older, like Splash was, we will keep them and retire them since they're too old to go out in the big world and start another fresh beginning anymore. With dogs who are trained in something (eg. agility), I level them up to Level 2. The dogs that aren't trained in something are just played and taken care of, like their trained fellows, untill the week is over. After that we sell them for $2000 which we find reasonable for both Wingbeat Rescue Kennels and the buyers of our beloved dogs.

The only dogs we don't sell are dogs that were originally rescued before we bought them, like Dakota, our first dog that we didn't rescue, and the dogs (not meaning the rescued dogs) that we bought with our own free will.

Retiring:Wingbeat Kennels has just opened it's Retiring organization. So far we have no dogs for retirement but we soon shall have a few. While we look for dogs to rescue, we look for dogs over 80 to give them a nice comfortable place for their retirement where they'll be played with and vaccinated. If any of you onlookers have a dog over 80 but don't want them any more, message Wingbeat Kennels and we'll look to see if we have any room. Mostly Wingbeat Kennels are filled to the brim so it is important that it's kennel size is upgraded.

Icons on Name tags:
(r)= rescued dog
(re)= elderly dog for retirement
(or)=originally rescued dog who was bought


Febuary 6, 2004
I haven't been able to get on much. FP has a new, but thankfully temporary, 100 member limit. Many people who are lucky enough to get on a lot may think that I haven't been a good rescuer lately but I'm trying my best. I have been juggling my time with homework, my 40 hour Master Work Project, Scottish Dancing, Speech Therapy, Dance Club, Art Club, Furry Paws and numerous websites, not to mention emailing and baking ginger cookies, for the past few weeks. It's not an easy thing to do. My time is swamped with all these things so, on average, I only get to go on Furry Paws once or twice a week. BUT, that's beside the point!
Ever since I created Wingbeat Kennels, I have rescued twelve dogs, out of which two of them were related. Meanwhile, in the beginning when Darukso and Splash were setlling in here, I bought Dakota, a middle-aged lovely Kelpie, from a fellow rescuer and a friend: Blue, the KHAFI Addict (#10675)

*Looks at watch* I've really need to go now: I have Scottish Dancing! Goodbye and good luck to you all!

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