About WRK
WRK has specialized in Airedale Terriers since FP beta and continues to strive to produce and show quality Airedales. Side breeds come and go, but at the moment include English Foxhounds and Harriers. Public breedings will be accepted on the basis of dog and kennel eligibility: bitch must not be more than 10 levels below the requested stud and all dogs in the owner's kennel should be leveled and well taken care of.
Until I get around to making a separate website with character refs/bios, I guess here is as good a place as any :p Some are in dire need of a new ref, but will get to that later. Here's the pack! Drag and drop for the larger versions.
![jennanewref_zps525d49e0.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/jenna new ref_zps2wqacgrq.png)
Jenna the smooth collie: goofy, happy-go-lucky, and easily amused.
![laddieref_zps75473c4b.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Character Refs/laddieref_zps75473c4b.png)
Laddie. Rough Collie (another collie, whaaat?). Independent. Empathetic. Strong leader-type.
![corgimine_zps920d8d57.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Character Refs/corgimine_zps920d8d57.png)
Sky: Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Quiet, pensive. A dreamer.
![Kazref_zps64b8116f.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Character Refs/kazref_zpsac9a8aa2.png)
Kaz: Laid back, likes frisbees and apples.
![tibbylines_zps49982ac5.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Character Refs/tibbylines_zps49982ac5.png)
![tibbyref_zps42f032d3.png](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Character Refs/tibbyref_zps48f20028.png)
Tibby the Australian Shepherd: Silly and immature, but sweet/sensitive. Recently underwent a revamp. Buds with Jenna. Sister of Rave.
Fae the fox: the flirt of the group. Digs having a good time. Not a shy bone in her body.
Celina the lynx hybrid: rather melancholic and very shy. Overall, a gentle soul.
![superbunnercelia.gif](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Tags/Favourite Tags/superbunnercelia.gif)
Rave the wolf: dominant, sarcastic, sort of arrogant.
Misc Tags![photokitty_by_jaded_night-d6yg88k_zps1d2](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Tags/photokitty_by_jaded_night-d6yg88k_zps1d2092f4.png)
![deviltaggeh.gif](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/shellfish/Tags/Favourite Tags/deviltaggeh.gif)