Black Forest Castle

Having Fun :)
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I am on vacation until May 15th 2011


I don´t lease out females.Only under special circumstances. I decide if I accept your breeding requests to my male studs or not.

Minimum level for your female is 20

Some studs require higher levels.

My focus is to get my dogs on the Top 10 of the score boards. I love to breed rare breeds and I´m always willing to help players who are interested in starting with one of my rarer breeds. I can sell you puppies for a good price or help you with breedings. I have a Master Breeder account I can let you use for free if you don´t have your own. Friends and serious breeders get discount on breeding fees on request. We also can exchange puppies from each others litters to add fresh blood to our lines. I don´t care much about inbreeding. So if your dog is related to one of mine but the litter will turn out great I have no problem to breed with your dog. Make sure your dog is genotype tested because I check if male and female will get a good or bad litter.

I´ll accept no breeding request for a breeding that is more than 3 days away.

If the breeding-calculator shows a chance of more than 3% of FAIR on any of the genetics I´ll reject your breeding request!
klask.jpgBouvier des Flandres of FP!


message Skidork about Harrier litters

Game Time

07:11am on Mar 22

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