Resplendent Antlers Kennels

i'm jack, a 26 year old canadian dude who loves dogs and art. i draw stuff. i'm a mountain goats stan and i play ukulele and bake when i'm not doing the art thing.

friendly, kind, polite, mellow. i spend most of my time drawing, playing dnd, and crying over the adventure zone.

character site: click
deviantart: aantlers
instagram: aantlersart
furaffinity: aantlers
discord: aantlers #7166
tumblr: mxgnusburnsides
twitter: aantlersart

Frequently Asked Questions

I heard something about you not liking people who are anti-LGBT+. Could you expand on that?


I am a member of the LGBT+ community, and am not comfortable drawing for people who would view me or other members of my community as sub-human. I'd ask you to please take your business elsewhere if you feel this way, and if you would like to be funny and commission me out of spite and I find out about it, I'm going to use your money to buy the gayest thing I can find. There are a few members of FP I am aware view the LGBT+ community as being against their religion, and these are people I will not draw for. Consider it against my religion. I also will refuse to work for people who are openly racist or sexist.


Are you single/do you want to date me?


Weird that I get messages like this from strangers! No to both.


I see you draw! Can you make me something for free?


No. I very rarely do free things, and when I do it's generally gifts for friends, who do not ask for them.


Do you take commissions for FPC/FPP?


No. I occasionally auction off slots on the ASB, but typically only my USD commissions are open.


But I really like your art and I can't afford it because of x thing and also we are friends!

I don't care.


Can we be friends?

You can send me a request if you like, I accept all of them but if months pass and you never speak to me and I do not feel as though a friendship has developed between us, I delete you. As for actual friendship, I have yet to have one that started from a random asking me if we could be friends. Actually, most of the time I'm pretty sure people use this to try to convince me to do things for them.


Why didn't you respond to my message, it says you're online?

I idle a lot, and I am on mobile a lot. If I'm on mobile, I generally don't respond to messages because I don't like typing on touchscreens. If it's been several days and I still haven't got back to you, I probably either missed the message or forgot about it and you should send it again. It's also worth noting that, while I am medicated and this helps immensely, I have an anxiety disorder and depression and these can sometimes cause me to be less social than I'd like to be, and will sometimes lead me to be slow to respond to messages. If you're struggling to get ahold of me on FP, please contact me on skype or discord!


Can we do an art trade?

You're welcome to ask, but 9/10 times the answer is no. I have a busy life and as much as I love doing art trades, they don't feed me :(


Can I have one of your characters for free?



Can I buy one of your characters?

You are welcome to send me an offer, but I am quite attached to most of them and for the most part would not accept fpc/fpp for them.


I'm confused about something on FP, can you help me?

I am not a newbie helper, please ask one of them or go to the help boards or the site FAQ, it's what they're there for.


Why have you cookied Psitt so many times?

Because if I don't, who will?

Game Time

05:59am on Mar 28

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