Sigma Kennels


I'm a 26yo lady living in Virginia. I love adventuring and drawing and petting cats.

It's good to be back! If anyone wants some commissions or something send me a message.

Notes To Self


About my kennel:

I've been breeding my original lines for several years; those are my Harriers and Croatians. I'm trying out Border Collies. I breed German Shepherds for color genetics and I sell a lot of them in the process.

aa German Shepherd
cwcw German Shepherd
cece German Shepherd
bb German Shepherd
EE German Shepherd
dd German Shepherd
dd aa German Shepherd
bb aa German Shepherd
EE bb at cece German Shepherd
EE bb at cwcw German Shepherd
EE bb Ay cece German Shepherd
EE bb Ay cwcw German Shepherd

Agility training area
Critter pasture
Level 20
Three star trainer

Level 30 dog
Level 50 dog
Level 75 dog
Level 100 dog
EEEE Croatian Sheepdog
EEEE Harrier
Best of breed Croatian
Best of breed Harrier

Game Time

03:57pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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