-About Me: I am in my early 20's and I live in Texas. I work in early childhood education specializing in children with behavioral difficulties. I am responsible for 2 crested geckos, a few random fish, and a cat that sounds like a goat and is named Otter. I love sci fy and fantasy shows/books. I love to write, mainly poetry. My favorite color is blue. I am usually online at nape time (1-4pm FP time), or at night, and most likely all day on the weekends. Feel free to shoot me a message but please no random friend requests.
-At Darkest Hidden Love I strive for excellent quality amongst my lines. I have multiple breed projects going on, and I specialize in various breeds. I first breed for genetics, then I level up and breed for show quality. If you are interested in one of my breeds please feel free to message me and I will add you to my contact list for when I have a litter available. I mostly play FP for myself, however at times I will purge my kennel and sale a large portion of dogs. Please do not send me messages asking for lowered prices/free dogs/free breedings. I set the price based upon what I deem fair for my work and effort and I do not negotiate. I do not at the current moment leave my males up for stud, however, if you see a stud in my kennels that would benefit you contact me and I will send you a price.
Breeds I Specialize In:- These are my three main characters, I need to spoil them more.
-These characters are owned 100% by me and I reserve all rights to them. Johansson (Hansson), Nokanor, and Ni'Klivel
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et placerat leo. Fusce vel risus eros. Praesent ultrices purus vitae finibus vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dignissim augue a ante facilisis, eu dignissim metus congue. Praesent convallis, nulla non maximus lacinia, leo tortor ultricies sapien, a consectetur lacus quam in ante. Donec in vestibulum elit. Praesent auctor erat lorem, id congue ante viverra a. Integer accumsan mi quis nunc pellentesque, et feugiat dolor consequat. Ut dictum pharetra ante, sit amet euismod ante aliquet nec. Vestibulum vulputate augue purus, in mattis mi pretium sit amet.