Aspen Veil Kennels


Mission of Aspen Veil Kennels: To achieve the highest quality in health, genetics, and showmanship of various breeds to improve the active and overall population.

Dealing with mostly spitz breeds commonly used as sleddogs, Aspen Veil Kennels first started in 2004, specializing in Alaskan Malamutes and Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs. Throughout the years, as Alaskan Malamutes have remained well in the ranks, other breeds have come and gone, including German Shepherds, Border Collies, Akitas, Chinooks, and Tosa Inus. During the kennel's time of operation, Malamute lines have frequently restarted, especially before the option of Locking became a feature -- hiatuses were usually the culprit for new breed batches. The mission of the kennel has not changed except for the permitted use of booster items and other helpful tools. (They were originally banned to "prove" anyone can achieve perfect health, but being an elite contradicted that concept.)

Ultimately, the current objective of the kennel is simple: achieve 24HH, lala litters, and high levels. I am not particularly interested in breeding for colors (except for the Alaskan Malamutes for the piebald gene and Alaskan Klee Kai for blue eyes). However, as time goes on, I may find myself leaning toward certain colors. To help with achieving high levels, I am attempting to breed toward one sport basing it on aptitudes. At the moment, each breed has a main sport, but will have a backup sport if they do not have an aptitude for the main. This is to still help with achieving high levels in the background until aptitudes begin to overlap throughout the generations.


Breed Notes
Draught -- AGI, SPD, STM, STR
Hunting -- AGI, CHA, INT, STM
Drovers -- AGI, INT, SPD, STM

Alaskan Malamutes (Draught) -- Sledding / Pulling
Greenland Dogs (Draught) -- Pulling / Sledding
Icelandic Sheepdogs (Drovers) -- Herding / Tracking
Alaskan Klee Kai (Companions) -- Rally-O / Scent Hurdles
Jämthunds (Hunting) -- Hunting Trials / Frisbee
Training Areas
Sledding -- STR bias - SPD, STM
Pulling -- STR bias - AGI, STM
Herding -- AGI bias - INT, STM
Tracking -- SPD bias - INT, STM
Rally-O -- CHA bias - SPD, STR
Scent Hurdles -- CHA bias - INT, SPD
Frisbee -- STM bias - AGI, CHA
Hunting Trials -- STM bias - CHA, INT

My dogs will rarely be for sale while they're still in the process of achieving 24HH. Once I am more solid in my lines, I will consider selling to help with other kennels' lines.

At the moment, I will not be selling puppies until I achieve 24HH, lala, spsp (Malamutes only) and yy (Klee Kai only) genetics in a consistent and solid manner. If you do stumble upon puppies available for reservation, by all means, go for it. Otherwise, please don't ask (especially if I have already picked two puppies out of the litter).

This kennel is working toward dog lines consisting of perfect health (24HH) and large litters (lala) (along with breeding for piebald [spsp] in Alaskan Malamutes and blue eyes [yy] in Alaskan Klee Kai). While statx4 is being considered, it is not a priority at the moment.

Planned Pairs
Alaskan Malamutes
Alaskan Klee Kai
Greenland Dogs
Icelandic Sheepdogs

Available Studs
Currently I am not offering consistent stud services until I have achieved my goals of 24HH genetics. Greenland Dogs and Icelandic Sheepdogs stud availability will not be for quite some time. As the Alaskan Malamutes' average levels begin to reach significantly high numbers, certain star individuals may be open to public breeding requests. These choices will be subjective and will not be available for the public until at least a certain level.

Chels's Palette (The Hub)
If I am currently not open for anything, please do not message me to try to convince me to make an exception. I may take such an incident into account when I do open commissions.
Sidenote: I reserve the right to reject a commission. This can be based on complexity, monetary offers, customer reputation, or overall customer behavior. (If someone can't be a decent human being, I don’t want to do business with that person, no matter how much money they’ve got to offer. I refuse to be an enabler for bad behavior — look what can happen if you do that with a dog!)

Current Offers

To-Do List
Seattle ref - flatcoloring.gif
detailsneeded.gifWaiting for information and details.
yettostart.gifReceived information and details. Waiting to begin.
sketching.gifPiece is being or has been sketched.
inking.gifApplying lineart or basic structure of subject.
flatcoloring.gifApplying the flat colors or basic coloration of subject.
shading.gifShading the subject.
background-1.gifWorking on a background (if any).
detailing.gifMaking details on the subject and background.
finalizing.gifFinalizing the piece, including last minute fix-ups, signature, and details.
completed.gifPiece is completed. Most likely waiting for approval and/or payment.

moneyreceived.gif - Payment received
moneyneeded.gif - Payment needed

trade-all.gif - All halves received
trade-myhalf.gif - My half completed
trade-theirhalf.gif - Their half completed
trade-none.gif - No halves completed

These icons and status bars were created by me. If you're interested in using them, please let me know!


Established in 2004
Prefix: .AvK
Min. Breeding Level: 35

Alaskan Malamutes
Alaskan Klee Kai
Greenland Dogs
Icelandic Sheepdogs
Yakutian Laikas (potential)


The Owner
Chelsea | F/30s/USA
I've been a member of FP for nearly 20 years, becoming an active artist a couple of years in, known as Chacal at the start. I started web design when I was ten (if you consider dabbling with HTML and CSS on Neopets as web design). I went to the University of Colorado for originally aerospace engineering, but ended up going into digital design and business instead, working and consulting with local businesses and private clients. I'm a sucker for sports, mainly following the Colorado Buffaloes (in football and basketball), Denver Broncos, and Colorado Rockies. I was an active band geek throughout high school and college -- piccolo and flute. I am owned by three German Shepherds, two Alaskan Klee Kai, three cats, and the American workforce.

For IRL dog work, I help maintain the website for my mom’s breeding and training programs for German Shepherds and Icelandic Sheepdogs. I am currently working on my own breeding and sport training program for Alaskan Klee Kai (and possibly Alaskan Malamutes later down the road), a joint program with my mom with Yakutian Laikas, and intend to progress to offering rehabilitation dog training for moderate to severe issues.

I love to talk and meet people but I do apologize if I seem a little apathetic and overly professional - working in health care and with big clients sort of does that to you. But wanna chat? I like astronomy, anything cats and dogs, memes, spiritual stuff, and Supernatural, as little icebreakers for you!

Portfolio | DeviantART | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Snapchat: drcwatts

Arkhoma Cluster 2023 with Kaiser

Layout created by myself
Images © respective owners
Please do not steal, claim, edit, or trace any of my work, unless stated otherwise.

Game Time

04:02pm on Mar 9

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