Beside Paradise


Container Filling - Cost of food + $1000

If you're looking to replenish your containers of food, you've come to the right place! You will receive your filled containers quickly and without the hassle of having to fill it yourself. I don't just buy your food from the marketplace and send it back, I search for the lowest prices to give you the most savings possible. If I'm supplying the container, I will even match food type to container color to help you keep your inventory organized.

If you supply the container, arrange a private trade with the empty container and your deposit. If I am supplying the container, simply transfer the money to me after you've received my order acceptance message. For higher levels of food, I will require a higher initial deposit. The cost of your order will still be price of food + $1000 filling fee, but for higher level foods, I will need a little more upfront.

Basic foods - $1000 deposit
Premium foods - $5000 deposit
Canned foods - $10,000 deposit
Organic foods - $10,000 deposit
Tidbits/bites - $25,000 deposit

Bulk Orders - Cost of items + $1000

Puppy Food -- Orders start at 10 and can be increased by multiples of 10.

For every 10 bags of food, I require a deposit of $5000

Beds or Bowls -- Orders start at 30 and can be increased by multiples of 10. If there is a specific color you want, let me know when you place your order, otherwise you will be supplied with the cheapest options I can find.

Orders <50 - $1000 deposit
Orders 51-75 - $2000 deposit
Orders 76-100 - $3000 deposit
Orders >101 - $5000 deposit

Collars or Leashes -- Orders start at 10 and can be increased by multiples of 5. This is for a single color and level of collar or leash. For instance, 10 Blue Durable Leashes. I will not mix and match colors/styles. Deposit is determined by style.

Basic-Nylon - $2000 deposit
Durable-Leather - $5000 deposit
Patterned-Designer - $15,000 deposit
Jeweled - $30,000 deposit
Glowing - $50,000 deposit

Krong Chews, Reindeer Antlers, Rawhide Bones -- Orders start at 20 and can be increased by multiples of 10. Krongs and Antlers may take longer, since they tend to sell out of the main store quicker and may cost more elsewhere.

Orders <50 - $1000 deposit
Orders 51-75 - $2000 deposit
Orders 76-100 - $3000 deposit
Orders >101 - $5000 deposit

Ordering Procedure

1. Check the current availability in the "About" section of my kennel. If it says "Open", feel free to send me your form and deposit, and I will start your order right away. If the status is currently "Closed", you can still send me your message and deposit, but please realize that you will have a wait. When the status is closed, I either have a line of customers ahead of you, or I've logged off for the day and will not be on for a while.

2. Send me a message with one of the following forms:

Food Type:
Supplying own container:
(yes or no)

(Blue Durable Leash, Krong Chews, Pink Beds, etc)

3. Send your order deposit. If you are having a container filled and you are supplying that container, send me a trade with the container and the appropriate deposit amount. If you are using any of the other services or want me to supply the container, just transfer the deposit amount to me. I do accept FPP for payment at the exchange rate of $350,000 = 1 FPP. You will still need to send a cash deposit, but it will be returned to you (if necessary) when you pay with FPP.

4. Wait. I will send you a confirmation message to let you know that I've received your deposit and I'm working on your order.

5. When I've finished putting together your order, I will send you a message first with your total and arrange a private trade with your items.

6. Enjoy!


Specializing in Jack Russell Terriers, German Shepherd Dogs, Great Danes, Dachshunds, and Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers.

This is a side account for Concept of Wuv Kennels (27092), sharing a prefix with Paradise Kennels (27341), another side account.

These breeds are being raised to be the best. The dogs will be cared for, trained, and shown every day. If I can't make it online, they will be locked.
~Females will be bred only twice by me, at ages 80 and 100.
~Males will be available for stud at level 20 at the price of $10,000. Every five levels they gain, the price will increase another $5,000. Minimum breeding level is 15.
~Females will never be available for public breeding.
~I will very rarely have dogs available for adoption. If I do, they will be private sales and a thorough kennel check will be performed.

Game Time

03:11am on Mar 27

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