White Rose Dogs


A very warm welcome to

Nova's White Rose Dogs (N0VA!)

Our main breeds of focus are the Dalmatians, Africanis, Irish and Gordon Setters

I played on FP Beta as Oli, with the kennel registration of Red Rose Border Collies - RRBC

About Us

Nova is the name of my real-life pet Dalmatian, as pictured in the corner of the page. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of owning one.. and here we are! She is the inspiration of pursuing the Dalmatian lines I have on here, as I previously just focused on Border Collies and Gordon Setters.

I am based in the UK (Yorkshire), and so am often on here very early in the FP day. I do check back periodically throughout the day, so please sit tight if waiting on a query

Our main focus is producing 4E 24HH alternate colours of Dalmatians, with high XPM. Any breeding requests will be of interest to support our mission.

This is the brown bar at the bottom of the textbox. do not remove it or the text will touch the bottom of the screen and it doesn't look nice. :(

Game Time

06:06am on Mar 14

Welcome Guest

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