Lance\'s Angel Kennel

Lance's Angel Kennel

Exceptional Rough Collies since 2006

Lance's Angel Kennel was founded in 2006 on FP Beta. We proudly continue our champion Rough Collie bloodlines here on the new Furry Paws. All of our dogs are provided with the highest quality care and shown daily in their most promising sport.

Bitches and dogs are bred for highest puppy stat and genetic quality. Therefore, official breedings are reserved for later in a showing career. Litters that appear in our kennel during a bitch's early career are mainly used as a tool to assess possible pairings and optimize future breedings.

Dragonflame's Guide to Rough Collie Genetics:

The four coloration alleles that vary in Rough Collies are:
Pair #6 - Agouti
Pair #7 - White
Pair #8 - Merling
Pair #11 - Color Intensity

(Key: a>b means a is dominant to b)

Pair #6: Dominance Pattern is Ay>at
All dogs expressing AyAy or Ayat will have sable patterning
All dogs expressing atat will have tan point patterning
Sable Collies have AyAy/Ayat and Tricolor Collies have atat

Pair #7: Dominance Pattern is si>sp>sw
All dogs expressing sisi/sisw/sisp will have irish patterning
All dogs expressing spsw/spsp will have piebald pattering
All dogs expressing swsw will have extreme piebald patterning
Each irish/piebald/extreme piebald patterning comes in several colors

Pair #8: Dominance Pattern is M>m
All dogs expressing the dominant M will have merling.
Tricolor Collies expressing merling will become Blue Merles

Pair #11: Dominance Pattern is C>cch>ce
All dogs expressing CC/Ccch/Cce will have red coloring
All dogs expressing cchcch/cchce will have fawn coloring
All dogs expressing cece will have cream coloring

Find more genetics information [here on the FP genetics guide]

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x58o60.png u7x1y.png dragonflametag.png

Game Time

02:08am on Mar 21

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