
This is Boulevard. I've been playing Furry Paws since January 16th, 2004.

The Life Story of Hyenaboy on BETA FP
When I first joined FP in January 2004, one of the first dogs I owned was "Fallon", the 11th Toller on FP. I was not the first owner of him (actually, I'm not sure who is, since the "First Owner" field was added later on), but I showed and proudly owned him for about 50 days. He sired my two first World Champions, who levelled to their 20s. And so began my lines.

Another Toller I owned, was "Meant to Live" who was the first Toller to hit levels 20 and 21. She also boasted a number of scoreboard achievements; she was number one in her breed at the time, as well as grabbing the titles of the 6th Most Experienced Dog on FP and the 2nd Most Adept Dog on FP.

Nearing the end of my second generation of Tollers, American White Shepherds were intensely popular because of the numerous high levelled dogs. I wanted to be among these ranks, so I found a great AWS pup for sale and bought him. "Stockholm Syndrome" became my highest levelled dog, and still the only dog to hit UC for me. I raised American Whites for a bit. They all did fairly well.

American Indian Dogs became a part of my kennel when they were first added to FP and I somehow hopped on the bandwagon of wanting to own the first AID on FP. I managed to pick up the 23rd American Indian Dog, "In Keeping Secrets", and somehow she just rose to the top. Probably one of my best store dogs to date -- level 29 and a World Champion.

Unplanned, I neglected Tollers while I raised my American pups. The Toller lines weren't as strong as they once were for me, and they weren't doing as well, so I gave them up. Soon after that, I quit FP.

Almost two years later, I came across FP once more. Enticed by the addition of genetics and other things, I made my comeback. One of the first things I did after that was look up Tollers for sale, and picked up two of the nicest dogs I could get. It was very lucky of me to do so. The first litter of those two produced the second and third Tollers to have four excellents on January 1st of 2007. What a way to ring in the new year! (I suitably named them "A New Beginning" and "Auld Lang Syne". This litter was also the first Toller litter to contain more than one 4E pup.

BETA Accomplishments:
-11th Toller on FP.
-First Toller to levels 20 and 21.
-2nd, 3rd, and 6th four-excellent Tollers on FP.
-First litter to contain more than one 4E Toller pup.
-2nd Toller to level 60, and subsequently first to 61, 62, and 63.

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Cody says hi! (Cody's pics)

Game Time

05:55am on Mar 24

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