Darc Dreams
++++Inactive since 8/29/2012
++Playing casually as of 9/2013
~~Notes to self: Current dog count 119
++++About myself++++
My name is Lila and I'm a 25yr old female from Arkansas. I have three American Pit Bull Terries in RL and three cockatiels named Bird, Henny and Cheeky. I love all animals especially dogs, horses, and parrots. I do a little bit of art but never post any because I don't use my pc for any of that. Just sketch books. Not much else to say atm, feel free to message me if you have any questions about furry paws. I'm a pretty good helper! ;)
OK, Recently..
I'm not really focusing on anything right now. I went on a long hiatus after the furrypaws reboot in the end of 2012. I'm back as of 9/2013 but am only doing a small handful of dogs. :)
Darc Dreams PCA is all about high HH, high levels, and stunning colors.
I specialize in bbdd dilutions, cw (silver genes), EE (maskless GSDs) and any breed that has a vast variety of color to be bred. That's my fun on FP.
---------Pricing---------(always subject to change)
10k per HH
10k per dd or bb lowercase
10k per silver gene (cw)
10k per la (large litter gene)
15k per maskless gene (gsd only)
Dogs are only available with PCA brand!
Studs are available to anyone for a fee, breeding partners get free services! (please message me beforehand so I can drop the price for you!)
---------If you'd like to contact me elsewhere, here are my other sim names.
++Currently inactive on all accounts, waiting for EQ re-boot..
I am Insipid Princess #30691 and Darc Dreams #34040
--Ailouros.net I am also inactive right now..Darc #2259

art by spice