Welcome to my Kennel! Enigmatic Entities This box (considering this a new layout) will eventually be all about what dogs I"ll have here (if any), and what you can expect from..er..me.
I also have an ongoing character sale on the Art Sales board. [Clickeroo.]
For anyone who's sent me a comission request, it's in progress. I've yet to set fixed dates or rules, so send me a message. Main thing to remember? Patience... If you've messaged me prior to today [February 6th] your comission is in progress. If not, unfortunately, COMISSIONS ARE CLOSED for FPC. Sowwy, but the second half of Junior year is gonna be hhheeecctttiiiccc.
Me. This box will contain blather including useless vain information; tags; and characters.
FOR EXAMPLE. I am 17 years old, I am a Pisces/Aries (NOT to do with the new sign, which doesn't apply to anyone born before a certain year, but because I was born on the night between the two).