Sun & Moon Kennel

Sun&Moon Kennels

I pride myself on my Alaskan Huskies, Siberian Huskies, and American White Shepherds, which are all at 24HH so if you see one that you would like please contact me and we may be able to work out a good deal so if you love Alaskan Huskies, American White Shepherds, and Siberian Huskies too browse around check out my dogs and thank you for your time please come back soon =)

I do check out a kennel before I will sell to them or accept breeding requests, there are a few requirements that you must meet before I will even consider selling to anyone no acceptations. I do not say what the requirements are because I don't want you to cheat and do what I want then ignore your dogs again so take care of them every day.

I do offer boarding at my kennel my price depends on they type of food your dog eats and how many days you are boarding your dog. If you send enough food with your dog for the time that it is boarded then my fee is only 200 per day per dog, if you do not send the food with the dog then the price of the food will be added to the boarding fee. Please let me know at least 1-2 days before the scheduled transfer. You pay the boarding fee when you are ready to take your dogs back once you send the money to my account I will put your dogs up for transfer to you. If one of your dogs reaches age 99 while in my care I will freeze it till you get back. If I do not hear from you for 20 days after your scheduled return I will consider your dogs abandoned and they will either be sold or retired.
My Dogs

I place my dogs up for breeding when they are 24HH and level 20. The price of the breeding depends on their level. I do require your dog to be at least lvl 20 before I will accept a breeding request.

If you have seen my litters and see a good mach but I am keeping the puppies from it you can ask me to breed those dogs again and you may pick a puppy(s) from it. My going rate for puppies is $100,000+(1000 X the highest parents level) If you want one of the other breeds that I do not have up to 24HH tell me and I will let you know when they reach 24HH and are ready to be bred. Keep in mind that I do check out kennels before I will sell a dog to that person so be prepared.

I sometimes do what I call a test breeding with my dogs when they are about 50. This is one of the best ways for me to see what I will be getting on my final breedings. I do not keep any puppies from my test breedings so that is your best chance to grab a puppy from me (unless you request a breeding that is then you know the puppy(s) are all yours).

The only acceptation I will make for my breeding level requirement is for my dogs in progress since I am trying to get them up to 24HH I will some times breed them at lvl 10.

All dogs that I breed will have my prifix on them I never sell a dog that I have bred without my prifix that includes puppies in litters.

A lot of people think that I am rude when I tell them that they are not responsible players so I will not sell them a dog, I am sorry but that is the way it is and I am very blunt about it. So please be responsible players on this game thank you and have a nice day.

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I am on IMVU if you would like to chat with me on there my user name is 4TheShadow. I am always happy to talk to new people and that is one of the best ways for me to do so.

I am also on Second Life my name on there is Shadowed Spingflower :)

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The only acceptation I will make for my breeding level requirement is if the dog is 100 and has been shown to their fullest extent but still is not level 20 which mainly happens only with my newer breeds. All dogs that I breed will have my prifix on them I never sell a dog that I have bred without my prifix that includes puppies in litters. A lot of people think that I am rude when I tell them that they are not responsible players so I will not sell them a dog, I am sorry but that is the way it is and I am very blunt about it. So please be responsible players on this game thank you and have a nice day.

Game Time

05:31pm on Mar 3

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