Celtic Sketches Kennel

Welcome to Celtic Sketches Kennel!

Est. 2003



Username: Erised
Nicknames: Eri
Age: I watched the series premier of Grey’s Anatomy when it aired on TV, does that help??? XD
Birthday: May 23rd
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her


Played Since: 2003
Breed Specialties: Azores Cattle Dogs


Commission Site: LINK
Commission Status: CLOSED
Character Site: LINK
Toyhou.se: LINK
deviantART: LINK

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About the Kennel

Breeding Policy:

If I’ve accepted your request to a locked stud, please send me a message with a link to the dog when you are ready to complete your breeding. Please complete the breeding in a timely manner. I will relock by rollover on the following day and will not unlock again for the same request.

Notable dogs:

Hall of Fame

Enable #1 Overall Irish Wolfhound as of 09/14/2020. BoB x7

Imp #3 Overall Azawakh Hound as of 11/12/2020 (#2 as of 7/28/2020). BoB x4

Fashion #2 Overall Azawakh Hound as of 11/12/2020. BoB x12. BoS x1.

Firenze #12 Overall Miniature Australian Shepherd as of 8/6/2020. BoB x5

Bayakoa #15 Overall Giant Schnauzer as of 9/17/2020. BoB x8

Ruby Diversifier - 5/15/21


My main girl is and always has been, Schatzi.


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Game Time

07:25am on Mar 20

Welcome Guest

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