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About Pandemonium Kennels

Started in 2005, Pandemonium Kennels grew to be in the Hall Of Fame for how large it is. Many many Boosts used to be hosted here for many years, Including mega boosts on FP Beta. I do miss doing boosts and made many friends and alliances from hosting Boosts. I want to thank of all the people I worked with and met along the way.

Currently we specialize in German Shepherds, Clumber Spaniels, && Caucasian Ovcharkas. We have specialized in GSDs and Clumbers the entire time, CO's are a new breed to us so we are currently perfecting lines. All dogs are 24HH or close. We do not do anything less than quality and are concerned with perfect genetics, leveling to the best they can be, and "Boosts" or focused showings. Since performances are hidden genetics we record when they perform well and when they perform poorly in the description and any dogs who do not perform well often and mostly are bad performers are not used in breeding program.

About Spike

I am dubbed Spike Zombie, I model professionally and dabble in photography. I have a Persian cat named Romulan . I used to have a soulmate named Reba, but she passed away November 3rd, 2013. She was a German Shepherd. I am an unknown age, I want to be a dog trainer and worked under the table with a company until it closed down. I am planning on going to college when I am able to in a few years. I currently dwell in North Carolina, have no friends here in real life. I am from Florida, have lived in New Hampshire and Maine. I am single and am a misanthrope. I adore animals and I love creative activities. I am a nice person, verbose, and adore to talk, so do message me. I am a newbie helper and love to assist and help you with whatever questions you may have. I am constantly wanting to learn more myself and different strategies.

Buying & Breeding Policies

I stud my dogs level 50+ I accept requests level 30+ Prices are always competitive. Message me if you want to breed to a stud not up

I only breed at 98 & 110 Only pups I feel are worthy, are sold I do kennel checks before reserving a bid My prefix is on all dogs unless arranged before breeding I have the right to refuse bid on any dog Occasionally I sell my dogs that are not worthy of breeding program for you to add to yours.

Custom Art Services

I make manips mostly, Animated, etc. All examples are located here. I have various styles. I charge 1.2mil or 1FPP per manip and multiple manips have a discount. You must message me for me to make you a manip! I make them manip first and then request payment. I can do layout headers, etc. I can make a manip for anything and every occasion and I am the only one I know of to make animated manips. I also make fancy text too *o* I enjoy it the most.

I also do Art services such as icons, tags, and large arts. I have an array of examples here and you can contact me. I can do whatever you wish and I shall work with you, include WIPs and all. Price is depending on your price range and what you want done. I do not really do much art, that is why I have no set prices.

layout by Tamra (#1318780) - banner image by SSokolov at Shutterstock


Game Time

06:44am on Mar 3

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