Gryjandi Sceptre Kennel

Gryjandi Sceptre Kennel

Welcome to the kennel!


If you're interested in breeding to one of my dogs you are welcome to PM me about it! I'm not a huge fan of outside breeding because I don't want to lower the quality of the pups I get to keep, but I'm certainly open to the idea for serious buyers. I am also willing to do pup trades if your breeding goals are similar to mine. Just send me a message! :)


As a general rule I'm not looking to buy right now as I have a lot of dogs already between my three accounts. However if you have a high quality brindle, well, you have my attention! Feel free to send me a message and let me know! Just make sure there's is a price on the dog or in your message please.


When it comes to my breed dogs, they are not for sale unless marked. The only exception being if you are offering a truly exorbitant amount of money for them. :P The Achievement kennels are a different story. All dogs there are available after they hit the level I'm aiming for my achievements. Contact me if interested.

My accounts

  • Nightfeathers (#40210)
    • Gryjandi Sceptre Kennel
    • Prefix: GJSK
    • Specializes: Corgis, Border Collies
  • Nightfeathers (#47420)
    • Toodle Duo Kennel
    • Prefix: TDK
    • Specializes:
  • Nightfeathers (#123484)
  • Prefix: JTR
  • Specializes:

Useful Information

Achievement Thread

Gold Diversifier Medal Breeds Completed

  1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  2. Bracco Italiano
  3. Manchester Terrier
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???
  9. ???
  10. ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. ???
  22. ???
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. ???
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. ???
  29. ???
  30. ???
  31. ???
  32. ???
  33. ???
  34. ???
  35. ???

Game Time

06:21am on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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