Pheonix Fire Trinity

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Welcome to Pheonix Fire Trinity! Here we focus on breeding and showing top quality dogs specializing in American White Shepherds, Saarloos Wolfhounds, Siberian Huskys as well as Dobermans. I also like to dabble in American Eskimos as I used to own a standard sized one in rl.

I am clearing out all the border collies in the kennel! All the older ones will stay here and live out there days with the best care but the younger ones are all up for sale so please go and check it out! They are currently the only exception to my no dog leaves the kennel until level 10 rule.

We do not adopt out puppies unless there are special arrangements made in advance. I don't like to let the dogs go until level 10. Its just my way of helping with the level 1 breeding and improving the breed. If you want to inquire about reserving a puppy or are intrested in a dog not up for sale feel free to shoot me a message:)

For the First Time Ever PFT has had an American White Shepherd take the #1 spot for BOB! Put your hands together for CCT ~PFT~ Hands Held High!
Personal Breeding level in kennel has now been upped to lv 30! I still am offering studding at min. lv 10 requirement however.

I am working on an American White Shepherd line so they will not be offered for breeding. So far they are completely my lines with no inbreeding! Most of the generation 1 dogs will be up for sale for $8000fpd once I am through with them

Puppies available for purchase when they reach lv 10. only exception is border collies as I am doing a clean out of them!

Nekakura a pure white wolf with two sets of huge grey wings that ark over his back, he has many battle scars on his body. He has red eyes, and blades on his front legs, along with spikes along his face. Dispite his appearance he is rather docile.
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This is Kousetsu a fluffy snow leopard with stripes lol. He has long hair and a mane that goes down his back. A gold earing on each ear and a marking over his left eye

Wrath bought back when I had my Fable8 account :) He was the first character I ever purchased and didn't design myself. I can't remember who designed/created him but if you did please msg me and Ill certainly add your name! He is as his name suggests. Has a bit of a short fuse and would think nothing of releasing his fury onto others. awou9d.png
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Game Time

03:10pm on Mar 20

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