Cryptic Carnage Kennels

October 23rd, 2020: I plan to stay active on Furry-Paws now, but I'm also on Dog Dayzz- but I'll be more active here, due to the art community. I grew up with Furry-Paws, it has a special place in my heart. Now that I'm active again, I will be opening my blue GSD lines to studs and imports- to get fresh blood in the lines. I still have a big character sale going on on the Art Sales board- including characters from beta. I got my elite and now I plan on working for a PRA!

October 7th, 2020: Back from another hiatus! Health has been declining. Ontop of that, my mother had three heart attacks about a month ago and is not doing good. I already have a character sale going on the Art Sales board, including many of my characters from beta. There is a possibility that I will end up doing a tag sale in order to save up for an elite. Once I get my PRA, I will be raising USD funds to go towards my mom's fundraiser to help with our bills, since mom is currently out of work.

November 21st, 2017: Wow, it's been awhile since I updated this. A lot has happened. I have two surgeries on the way, one being a heart transplant. I've been in the hospital more than my own home lately. I have nurses that come at night to watch me sleep and monitor me. I'm on oxygen 24/7. That barely covers it. But good news is that I finally caught up on commissions. I've been considering opening them again, but I've been in the hospital so much that it'd be hard to keep up. 8/ I also finally have all my characters on my website!

August 5th, 2017: Just got out of the hospital again. I'm in both kidney and heart failure, and I'm looking at a 4th open heart surgery soon. So I think I'm going to keep my blue shepherds locked for awhile. 8/

April 4th, 2017: Got out of the hospital again, I'm septic. Thanks to her uncle, I am going to go meet Rakkaus when she has her kidney transplant surgery this summer! Also, finally unlocked my blue shepherds. I may lock them again if I get busy or go back into the hospital but for now I'm happy that I can finally raise them again.

March 8th, 2017: I'm currently in the hospital and had surgery yesterday. I've been thinking on it and I decided to not do 'panda' shepherds, just stick with the blue ones. I will be returning the dogs back to the breeders they originally came from or sell them. February 8th, 2017: I'm slowly organizing my character website. I changed things around so every single character has their own page rather then just the 'main' characters having their own pages. This way I can write bios and flesh out the characters without worry of making a overly large and laggy page full of all the minor characters (And old fursonas). Many characters will receive revamps, including main ones. I plan to have a tag for each one linking to their page when you click it (Such as how I have the 'main character' page now). It will take time, but I think it will be worth it! Plus, I'm in the hospital with nothing better to do. XD

January 24th, 2017: Finally got a Vienna/Oliver layout! I'm so excited, it looks wonderful! Going to take me some time to organize things again, one of my mom's dogs is sick and I have to take care of her first. In the meantime, enjoy the awesomeness of this layout!

January 4th, 2017: I have officially paired all my blue shepherds and will be unlocking them soon! I just have to do the math to figure out what age they breed at (I breed when the older dog in the pair reach age 88 and 100) since not all the dogs are the exact same age.

January 1st, 2017: I decided to go ahead and start my own line of panda shepherds. One line irish, one line piebald. I am in the process of pairing my blue shepherds to one another for planned litters. Once I am done with that, I will unlock them!

December 27nd, 2016: I finally reached sweet level 15! I'm going to sell as many of the rescue dogs as I can to make room for my blue shepherds. I can't wait to start my lines again, as stressful as it is going to be. <3> December 22nd, 2016: I have adopted a bunch of GSD's from the Humane Society in order to reach level 15 on this account quicker. Once I reach level 15, I will sell all the rescues and unlock my blue shepherds and start the lines again!

December 13th, 2016: Everything has been transferred over. I have almost enough FPP's to buy an elite on the this account, plus I already have the one week elite that Kah gifted us. I may still access my old account from time to time, but as of now, this is my main account! All the dogs I bred on the other account will keep the xCCKx prefix, but any new dogs bred on this account will get the .CCK. prefix. Note that ONLY dogs I bred will have the prefix, I am not adding the prefix to rescues or imports.

December 7th, 2016: I have transferred my FP's Beta account (#413275). Once my elite on this account runs out I am going to transfer everything back over to that account.

November 4th, 2016: If you haven't noticed, all the blue shepherds are locked. I am having a very hard time with my health and can't put the time into the lines at the moment. One day I'll unlock them and continue the lines, but for now I bought a regular shepherd to leash.

January 12th, 2016: Finally got a layout! Going to organize all the stuff now.

October 5th, 2015: Cryptic Carnage Kennels welcomes Warped Reality, 'Hourglass', our first 24HH puppy!

July 20th, 2015: ONLY dogs I breed will receive the kennel prefix. Any future imported dogs will not get the kennel prefix.

Affiliated with Midgar Kennels (#96814)


From Furry-Paws beta, 'Silenthill Kennels' is back from the dead! New name, new start, same great quality dogs.
Here at Cryptic Carnage Kennels, our #1 goal is to give you quality, family-friendly dogs. Many of our dogs are trained in schutzhund, but a few will be show dogs. All eager to be better than the rest! Seeing as we have only started up, it may be awhile before we are at the top of our game. But we plan to work hard to bring you only the best! We're hoping in the future to get a line of blue german shepherds going, but it will certainly take awhile. We are hoping to get our hands on a few to get the lines going!



ONLY dogs from the Humane Society are considered rescues, not bought off listings.
-The ONLY exception is if a dog is surrendered directly to us via PM.
Dogs will be put up to sale when they hit level 10.
Dogs not already trained in a sport are automatically trained in schutzhund or show. They are trained in our own private training area.


Blue l Female l 23

My name is Blue's Eyes, but you can call me Blue! I was on the FP's beta for a few years but was forced to take a hiatus due to medical reasons. But now I'm back and enjoying the new FP's! I am terminally and chronically ill, I have what is called VACTERL. Despite my ill health, I try to enjoy my life to the fullest. I have four pet rats and a dog- although I live with my mother and her various animals. I enjoy drawing and computer gaming. I am a digital artist, but I also have a passion for taxidermy. I am fascinated by anything dead, 'horror', or gore. I have a rather sick sense of humor. My favorite music is rock and metal, although my favorite band is Hollywood Undead. I currently have an unhealthy obsession with The Joker and Harley Quinn. I also like anime and manga- my favorite is Hellsing.

Where You Can Find Me
DeviantART: Blues-Eyes
DogDayzz: Blue's Eyes
Wolvden: Blue's Eyes
League Of Legends: Blue Eyed Devil
Feral Heart: BluesEyes
Twitter: RandomBluesEyes



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Dogs may only be bred twice in their life. (Day 88 & 100)
-The only exception is if they produce great pups, then they may be bred a third time at day 109.

I will NOT breed to outside dogs unless previously planned. I usually only breed to friends.
Breeding for:
Solid Blue


Planned Litters

Female x Male (Female Breeding Age x Male Breeding Age)

Blue German Shepherds

London In Terror (Import) x Spike (Stud) (87 x 75)

What You Get (Import) x Carnage Cannibal (88 x 83)

Walk The Walk x Try To Break Me (88 x 88)

Lady Of Clockwork x My Personal Demons (88 x 68)

Blue Lightning Strike x To The Gallows (56 x 88)

Beautiful Lies x Swallowed By Darkness (71 x 88)

Forgive My Weakness x Another Piece Of The Puzzle (88 x 88)

They're Dying And Dead x The Blind Sniper (88 x 61)

The Kids Cries Out x Carnival Of Madness (88 x 61)

Danced On Into The Night x Sound Of Silence (Import) (88 x 84)

Good Girl Gone Bad (Import) x We Are Free (84 x 88)

The Perfect Murder x Do Your Worst (88 x 85)

Give Me Your All x Keep Those Vultures Guessing (85 x 88)

What Do You Believe x Spit On Your Grave (88 x 88)

The Devil's In The Details x Why Did You Change (73 x 88)

Pretty Little Liar x Daredevi (88 x 85)

Bitch x Daredevil (? x 88)

Eat Your Heart Out x Ashes To Ashes (88 x 78)

Victim To The Sands Of Time x Dressed To Smile (85 x 88)

Bitch x Dream Amongst The Stars (? x 88)

'Til Death Do Us Part x It's Never Too Late (83 x 88)

Bitch x Can't Hide The Pain (? x 88)


Game Time

07:24am on Mar 3

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