Toxic Blizzard Kennel


Toxic Blizzard Kennel(xTBx):
I've moved from account #8 to this one.Also I've played since: Jan 27, 2009. I breed some of the best Siberian Huskies on DD. I even have the second best Siberian Husky ever bred on D.D. Though I'm sad to say that most of those lines have been bred into mixes and lost. I now only I'm breed a very small lines of selected mixes with my Sibes and wolfdogs but most of their lines will be pure! I'm adding the Saarloosewolfdog to my kennel! For both showing lines and mix lines.
#2nd Best Siberian Husky of All Time!
xTBx's The Perfect Life,'Micky*AAAC~Gry/W}Blu*'

All my mixes are trained in Drafting,Sled Dog Racing, and weight pulling. They will also be given health screen, insticted test, and geno typed.
All pure breds maybe be mixed once or twice, four times in their whole life(Means two mixed pups and two pure bred pups if mixed at all). They are also train in everything my mixes are trained in and conformation.

BlankPlains for my b>

Looking for in Mixes(The Snoeball Wolfdog):

Adding in a few of these breeds:
Alaskan Malamutes, White Shepherds, Czechoslovakian Vlcak, Greenland Dog, and Samoyed
Color:Wolf Gray, Agouti, Sable, Urajiro
White Markings:Pieblad and Extreme Piebald(White Collared Irish is wanted at the moment to make piebald or extreme piebald)
Eyes:Blue, Amber, Wall Eye, Split Eye

People that bought my dogs:

Kaylee(#5966)-Sarrloose Wolfdog
Holli(#122)-Siberian Husky
Pinkell(#3878)-Sibreian Husky
Pirate(#213)-Siberian Husky nqu049.jpg
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Game Time

08:58am on Jan 21

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