Midnight’s Moonlight

About Me

Wow just realized it has been 12 years since I was here... the boredom of pandemic brought me back. I am a 38 year old teacher. I have been on furry paws for many years. I took a many years off off and have since come back with more of an obsession then ever before. The following are old notes. I am working on learning the new site and my dogs. I will work on this later

My Notes

no breeding after age 87 or 88 so I get 100 day breed (only breed twice)
-got SEF on dec 08
-got elite feb 09 when donated money

highest level so far level 53 : Sandy (bought not bred but my highest dog ever)

-agi lamb, L biscuits or hotdog; con health, t-bone; int salmon, bacon; spd chicken; stm veggie; str beef, pep;

Best dog bred so far Jupider, EEEG, level 37, agi: 140 con: 134 int: 349 spd: 118 stm: 341 str: 475. She was best of breed- Accomplishment once.

Neville is part of a new breed I have started. He is my first dog to not only get best of breed - Experience but has also got best of breed (both kinds) 16 times by age 78. He is level 29 and a Manchester Terrier.

Spike and Sandy are my first GC. Sandy at age 28 is level 33 and GC. I hope she will make it all of the way up to SC. Sandy is now a WC at age 35. Sandy retired at an IC.

Game Time

10:29am on Feb 16

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