Cosmic Hollow

Kioo (#0)

About Cosmic Hollow:

I am currently breeding Chow chows, Gsd's, AWS's, Doxies, and pugs. I own a few other main breeds that I like to breed as well.
Dogs are always kept in tip top shape, Fed the highest type of food available for them (never Barky Bites).
Leashed and collared with the highest level available.
Dogs are not bred below level 30 or before 98 days.
you may see I have litters that are lower than those two requirements that I have. I am currently working on new lines for aptitude... and I'm a little impatient!

Chow Chow goals:
reach lvl 80: []
Breed EEEE: [X]
Breed for CHA x4 Stats: []
Breed towards Musical Freestyle:[]

Pug Goals:
Reach lvl 50: [X]
Breed EEEE: []
breed for STR x4 Stats: [X]
Breed towards Rally-O: []

Doxies Goals:
Reach lvl 60: [X]
Breed EEEE: [X]
Breed for SPD x4 Stats:[X]
Breed towards Flyball: []

GSD Goals:
reach lvl 80: []
Breed EEEE: []
Breed For INT x4 Stats: []
Breed Towards Schutzhund: []

AWS Goals:
Reach lvl 50: []
Breed for Aptitude Show
Breed EEEE: []
Breed For INT x4 Stats: [X]
Breed towards Tracking:[]

Art to do:

~On hiatus~

Game Time

02:23pm on Mar 14

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