Vanzevolock Kennels

If I see a breeding request on my locked dogs I WILL unlock them when I see it. I have seen an alarming amount of breeding dogs never unlocked after accepting a breeding request and ignoring reminders.

For those that want to tell me my kennel sucks. Yes it does. I have this thing called a life outside games. Yes I am aware I can play this game on my Ipad, My iphone, my windows 10 tablet (where is that thing anyhow) even my Amazon fire tablet. Heck I could more then likely play it on my Xbox, my daughter's Switch and the Wii-U. But you know what. Games are just that games. I am a casual player. I have had this account since Beta. I log on when I can and I play when I can. So stop telling me I need to sell you my dogs because I am wasting them. They are pixels people. My family, my real dog and my life holds priority over a game.If you think a game is number one perhaps you need a reality check.This account is what... around 16 years old I think...
Here is a list explaining how some items affect your stats:


Puppy - puppy chow
Lvl 1 - Lacrima Basic + Plain Collar, Plain Leash
Lvl 5 - register in casso! Nylon Leash
Lvl 10 - Lacrima Premium + Nylon Collar
Lvl 15 - Durable Leash
Lvl 20 - Durable Collar
Lvl 25 - Leather Leash
Lvl 30 - Lacrima Canned + Leather Collar
Lvl 35 - Patterned Leash
Lvl 40 - Patterned Collar
Lvl 50 - Designer Leash
Lvl 60 - Lacrima Organic + Designer Collar
Lvl 70 - Jeweled Leash
Lvl 80 - Jeweled Collar
Lvl 90 - Glowing Leash
Lvl 100 - Tidbits + Glowing Collar


Lacrima Lamb Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Lamb & Rice 0
Canned Lamb 5
Lacrima Biscuits 10
Hotdog Bites 10

Lacrima Health Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Healthy 0
Lacrima Canned Health 5
T-Bone Bits 10

Lacrima Salmon Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Fish & Rice 0
Lacrima Canned Salmon 5
Bacon Strips Treat 10

Lacrima Chicken Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Chicken & Rice 0
Lacrima Canned Chicken & Veggies 5
Chicken Morsels 10

Lacrima Veggie Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Meat & Veggies 0
Lacrima Canned Veggies 5
Veggie Snacks 10

Lacrima Beef Puppy Chow Litters Only
Lacrima Premium Beef & Rice 0
Lacrima Canned Beef Dinner 5
Pepperoni Treats 10

Blue Leash +1
Long Twine Leash +5
Red Bandana Collar +8

Green Collar +1 Red Collar +1
Two-Tone Collar +2
Pretty Pink Leash +4
Pink Collar +6

Blue Collar +2
Clear Plastic Leash +5
Glowing Crystal Collar +8

Green Leash +1
Zippoe Short Leash +5
Leopard Print Collar +7

Purple Leash +3
Spiked Collar + 8
Leather Leash +6

Red Leash +1
Short Tiger Power Leash +4
Radioactive Blue Collar +10


Gregarious - frisbee
Independent - puzzlebox
Obsessive - ball
Confident - tug rope
Determined - tugtoy
Meek - plushie
Mischievous - squeaky


Agility - blue, Lamb
Charisma - white, Health
Intelligence - purple, Salmon
Speed - yellow, Chicken
Stamina - green, Pork, Veggie
Strength - red, Beef, Steak

Cassos I am in:

Personal note:

Game Time

09:30am on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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