
Welcome to ThunderWalkers Kennel! (ThWa~)
Hello there!! I dabble in lots of breeds but really only specialize in American Pitbull Terriers (APBT), Pomeranians & Komondors. (Currently thinking of adding Puli and Kerry Blue Terrier to that list) I've played since 2007 but after the switch over from BETA, I took a LOOOONG time off. Most of my starter dogs are store bought since I like the challenge of establishing my own lines from scratch. I do/will use outside studs and females but really try to keep everything "in house" with no inbreeding (Some inbreeding of rarer/specific lines may occur but very rarely). I care for and show my dogs daily and if I can't..... I lock.
RE-ELITE (1 year) - Renew- 01/19/2016
Double Training Guide -30 FPP
Puppy Raising Guide -30 FPP
Achieve a 2.0+ EXP Multiplier
Within Top 3 on Top Players Board
B.O.B APBT (Accomplished & Experienced)
B.O.B Pomeranian (Accomplished & Experienced- MADDENING TWEEDLE II 09/3/15)
B.O.B Komondor (Accomplished & Experienced- TUCKER 05/12/15)
B.O.B Kerry Blue Terriers (Accomplished & Experienced- ROARIN' BELLS 09/3/15)
B.O.B Puli (Accomplished & Experienced- PANIC ROOM 08/10/15)
Get the reputation: Genetics Genie Master

24 HH's
lala litter size
2.0+ experience multiplier.
stat boosts that match the breed (ie intint intint, stmstm stmstm, agiagi agiagi... you get it)

I do not generally offer my dogs for public breeding, although I'm willing to consider it if you send me a message. By consider it....I mean I will think about it. It does NOT mean I will accept. I will not stud out females at any time. I only breed my females once. Although, I will offer pups from litters....just message me. I breed on day 110. ALL puppies sold will have my kennel prefix.

STUD FEE- Level of dog x $1000= (total) x Exp Multiplier (Ex: level 57 dog with a 1.324 exp mult would be 57 x 1000= $57,000 x 1.324= $75,468 total fee)
PUPPIES-Highest primary breed stat x $1000= (total) x Exp Multiplier (Ex: highest primary stat is stm 350 with a exp mult of 1.401 would be 350 x 1000= $350,000 x 1.401= $490,350 total)

Game Time

05:32pm on Mar 10

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