5 Seconds of Summer Kennels

5/31/13 - New layout
5/24/13 - Starting completely fresh with a new breed: schipperkes
3/27/13 - New kennel name! 5 Seconds of Summer <3

Kayla | 15 | USA

If you have an accent I love you. I like alphabetizing things.

I don't know why this box is so big, I'm not interesting. But don't be shy with the messages, I like talking to people especially ones I don't know.

I love squirrels.

Characters: 250k/1FPP Open
All characters are originally sketched on paper and then transferred onto the computer. All of the lining and coloring will be done on the computer. Please send payment with the form.
Most recent example: Click

Layouts: 300k/1FPP Open
I recently learned how to make layouts, so yeah. The only example I have currently made is the one on my kennel (the one you're on right now). If you're interested, click on the link saying "forms" and message me the completed form. Then after you approve of the graphics, I ask that you then send the payment. Please have the payment on hand before turning in a form.

Tags: 150k or 2 for 1FPP Open
Nothing too detailed. There are no recent examples, sorry. Please send payment with the form.

Message me one of these forms.

Schipperkes Achieved Personal Achieved
Level 25 n/a Re-elite n/a
Level 50n/a 5 mil fpd n/a
Level 75 n/a Make layouts 5/24/13
Level 100n/a Ashton follow n/a
EEEE n/a Band follow n/a
24HH n/a Get 5/4 n/a

Game Time

03:53pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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