About Me
Notes to self
Profession Goals:
Veterinarian--1 star
FP Name: Myth
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Education: Some college
Major: Psychology/Undecided
Dream Career: School counselor (former)/Undecided
Favorite Animal: Silver fox
Past Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, and a mouse
Current Pets: 1 Beagle
Dream Pets: Shiba Inu and fancy mice
Dog Sports: Junior Showmanship (early 2007-early 2010) and Conformation (early 2009-late 2013)
Other Hobbies/Interests: Plushies, photography, music, laughing, writing, Internet, candy, anime, and Pokemon
Video Game Console: Nintendo 3DS
Games of Interest: Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon LeafGreen, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon SoulSilver, Pokemon Black, Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon X
MMOs I Play: Transformice, Elsword, MapleStory, Dragon Nest, S4 League
Account(s) For Sale: Never
Breeding Requests: Never
Dogs For Sale: Never
Messages: Open
Friend Requests: Open, but let’s get to know each other first.
Forum Status: Semi-active
Newbie Helper: Yes!
Planned Breedings
Sports Goals
1. Hunting Trials
2. Musical Freestyle
Genetics Goals
1. Stat Boosts--chacha/intint
2. Health--24 HH / 4 E
3. Litter Size--lala
1. Lion Hat x Gaslight
2. Sugarfest x The Key
3. Tidal Rave x Fight Like a Girl
4. Tidal Rave x Time for Tea
5. Wild Life x Four o Clock
1. Dream Catcher x Scavenger
2. Pure Space x If I Burn
3. Pure Space x We Want Them Young
4. Tidal Rave x Goodnight Sweet Ladies
5. Tidal Rave x Start Another Story
Refs & Tags