Now Or Never Kennels

Now or Never Kennels
At Now or Never Kennels we specialize in Border Collies, although we may have the occassional exception of another breed. Our original goal here on Furry-Paws was to become one of the top Border Collie breeders, but we have a lot of compitition so I will keep it fun for now and just breed for myself and whoever may offer me a reasonable price for one of our dogs. We don't currently specialize in any specific color, we just like to experiment with genetics to see what we can get, along with steady competing and leveling. We do not breed any dogs under the level of ten to try and keep some relitavly decent leveled lineage. If you have any questions about me or the kennel and our dogs, please feel free to message me and ask, I do not bite. However I do not appreciate 'spam' messages ex; begging, offering to sell me dogs/items/art, offering to buy dogs/items.

Who is Border, You Ask?




-United States

IRL I go by Drea, (dree-ah) and some call me Addi. I live in southern Maine, in a very small town where everybody knows everybody. I work full time as a Veterinary Assistant and Kennel Assistant (taking care of boarding animals).


-Art; painting, drawing, photography & sculpting


-Dog Training



-Amore, Boston Terrier mix

-Lala, Boston Terrier x Miniature Pinscher

-Tank, Red Eared Slider

-Serveral Rabbits, Shay, Bullet, Misty, Belle, Simba, Nero, Sterling, Samuel, Felix, Ramona, Gidget and Opal. RIP Mr.Wiggles, you will be forever in my heart! xoxo

-Barbie Q, Potbellied Pig

Breeding & Buying Rules

I will NOT sell you a dog that isn't for sale, so don't ask

I will NOT accept a breeding request from you if either your AND/OR my dog is under level 10

I try not to breed my dogs under level 5. When I do i keep them for my own personal breeding use. When you buy a puppy out of one of my litters place the bid when i message you when it ready and only bid the set price. Dont complain about my prices they are set in stone until my dogs reach over level 10 then the prices increase.

Your dogs must be 10/10 happy everyday.

Your dogs must be completely full, everyday. No pupper stuffer please.

You must show each and every one of your dogs in the max shows possible, each day. (elites=50/50, non elites=30/30)

Your dog must not run out of water.

Your dogs must be at least 75/100 groomed.

I don't sell to rescues. My dogs don't need rescuing. And I prefer you don't sell any dogs you get from me to a rescue.

You must never neglect your dogs in anyway shape or form.

If you do ever sell the dogs you bought from me, please contact me first.

7/13/13- So my friend lended me her tablet to use until I can afford a new one, so in the mean time to help gather some extra cash I am opening my commissions again in FPC and USD! Message me or look below for pricing information :D xxBorder

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Layout © Golden Fanatic #244155. Images Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Texture Courtesy of struckdumb on DeviantArt

Game Time

05:43am on Mar 3

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