BlackAsh Kennel


BlackAsh (prefix ASHK) began on FP Beta in 2003. None of my dogs are inbred, although some are linebred to a maximum COI of 10%. This is my way of playing the game on "hard mode", not a criticism of anyone who chooses to inbreed.

Italian Greyhounds

All Iggies are produced in conjunction with House of Black #4461. Her rules are my rules and so on. My prefix is ASHK (prefix) BlackAsh, hers is 4461 (suffix) di Nero, but there are combinations of the two forthwith.

It is rare for me to breed outside either BlackAsh or House of Black lines but do feel free to get in touch if you think you want to breed with or buy one of my dogs.

My Iggy lines go back to my first Italian Greyhound on FP Beta, BlackAsh Hallelujah "Hallee" (2007). The BlackAsh/House of Black Hall of Fame can be found here.

Decorated Iggies

  • BlackAsh Swansong "JAMIE" - BOB x2 (Hallelujah x Ex Scientia Astra)
  • Brilliant Action for BlackAsh "ASTON" - BOB (Store x Store)
  • BlackAsh Bohrium "BO" - BOB x13, BOS (R) x2, Most Exp 03/2013 (Bannaventa x Ex Scientia Merito)
  • BlackAsh Blank Canvas "SPLASH" - BOB x5 (Emblem x Bound Onwards)
  • BlackAsh Bite the Bullet "BULLET" - BOB x6 (Bannaventa x Blow Me Down)
  • BlackAsh Bristol Type "TALLIE" - BOB x12, BOS (Fr) x3, 2nd Most Exp 08/2013, 3rd Most Exp 08/2013 (Blaze of Glory x Brettaniai di Nero for BlackAsh)
  • BlackAsh Bristol Centaurus "TAURUS" BOB x28 (Boiling Point x Bristol Type)
  • BlackAsh Behdet di Nero "BEHDET" - BOB x4 (Bubastis x Busiris di Nero)
  • BlackAsh Biographic "BIO" - BOB x2 (Perpericon di Nero x Amor Credit Omnia di Nero at BlackAsh)
  • BlackAsh Bedelia "BEDELIA" - BOB x10 (Banebdjedet x Sospiri di Nero at BlackAsh)
  • BlackAsh Better to Sleep "DREAM" - BOB x25 (Bon Voyage x Bedelia)
  • BlackAsh Bring Me the Horizon "JACK" - BOB x10 (Bon Voyage x Bedelia)
  • BlackAsh Bedford "ANJA" - BOB x5 (Brunswick Square x Bona Vacantia)
  • BlackAsh Baptism of Fire "FLAME" - BOB x2 (Baseline x Breakfast of Champions)
  • BlackAsh Breach of Trust "TRUST" - BOB (Cecchini di Nero x Burden of Proof)
  • BlackAsh Balmoral "MORAG" - BOB x15 BOS (Fr) x4 (Badwater Basin x Bedford)
  • BlackAsh Blame Game "BLAME" - BOB (Boyhood Dreams x Buena Vista)
  • BlackAsh Blazing Start "PISTOL" - BOB x13 (Bassae x Blaze of Light)
  • BlackAsh Beldorney "BEL" - BOB (Hierakonpolis di Nero x Balmoral)
  • BlackAsh Bristol Bagshot "BAGSHOT" - BOB (Boardwalk Under Ice x Bristol Beaufighter)
  • BlackAsh By the Beautiful Sea "SEA" - BOB x2 (Bacciarelli di Nero x Bona Dea)
  • BlackAsh Blade Runner "RIDLEY" - BOB x2 (Boltzmann Equation x Balvenie Portwood)
  • BlackAsh Blitz Patrol "SPIRIT" - BOB x6 (Border Patrol x Bristol Blitz)
  • BlackAsh Beautiful Disaster "FLARE" - BOB x15 (By the Beautiful Sea x Bicycle Thieves)
  • BlackAsh Beautiful Darling "DARLING" - BOB x2 (By the Beautiful Sea x Bernera Barracks)
  • BlackAsh Baltimore Fiction "BALTIMORE" - BOB x11 (Butterscotch x Bedlam Stacks)
  • BlackAsh Barstow Lazy Morning "SUNDAY" - BOB x3 (Butterscotch x Bedlam Stacks)
  • BlackAsh Burnhope Seat "JANE" - BOB x2 (Bonamici xi Nero x Bernera Barracks)
  • BlackAsh Brescia "BRESCIA" - BOB (Ricchiedeo di Nero x Blind Shuffle)
  • BlackAsh Because the Night "PATTI" - BOB x2 (Bahovec Peak x Brittle Revolution)
  • BlackAsh Ballad Patrol "SAM" - BOB x4 (Ballad of Master McGrath x Blitz Patrol)

Other Breeds

Sloughi's are permanent additions. I cycle through other breeds as I have time; all other breeds are aiming for EEEE, lala, aptitude in their chosen sport, and will not be inbred. Most of these breeds will be retired on my second account #20090 bar Dutch Shepherds and Kelpies which are retired here.

Most of the male dogs in the Diversity Kennel will be available for stud once they reach L40. Fee is always $25. Minimum level is based on the level of the dog; L80 = ML40, L70 = ML35, L60 = ML30, L50 = ML25, L40 = ML20. Females who have already been bred twice or are immediately related to the stud will be not accepted for breeding. Please note I am on British Time, so if you need a dog unlocking for a specific night please give me 24 hours notice, otherwise I will unlock for the day the request is accepted.

decorated other breeds

  • Temera at BlackAsh (Sloughi) - BOB x7
  • BlackAsh Tangier (Sloughi) - BOB x3
  • Agadir at BlackAsh (Sloughi) - BOB
  • BlackAsh Jbel Sirwa (Sloughi) - BOB x6
  • BlackAsh Pineapple Zamia (Kelpie) - BOB x20
  • BlackAsh Macrozamia (Kelpie) - BOB x14
  • Somersby Mintbush with BlackAsh (Kelpie) - BOB x10
  • BlackAsh Kodjet (Kelpie) - BOB x9
  • BlackAsh Matchstick Banksia (Kelpie) - BOB x7
  • Phillip River at BlackAsh (Kelpie) - BOB x4
  • BlackAsh Shy Susan (Kelpie) - BOB x4
  • BlackAsh Albany Daisy (Kelpie) - BOB x3
  • Single BOB (Kelpie): BlackAsh Hakea, BlackAsh Cossinia
  • Owl's Moonlight Serenade to BlackAsh (Toy Poodle) - BOB x24
  • BlackAsh Saba (Dutch Shepherd) - BOB
  • BlackAsh The Toffee King (GWP) - BOB x11
  • BlackAsh Ice Storm (Large Munsterlander) - BOB
  • BlackAsh Supercell (Large Munsterlander) - BOB
  • BlackAsh House Edge (Schipperke) - BOB x14
  • BlackAsh Muztagh Pass (Samoyed) - BOB x3
  • BlackAsh Afon Tryweryn (Cardigan Welsh Corgi) - BoB x10
  • BlackAsh Tasburgh Action (Norfolk Terrier) - BOB x14
  • BlackAsh Round Midnight (Toy Poodle) - BOB
  • BlackAsh Anthropology (Toy Poodle) - BOB x19
  • BlackAsh Go for Broke (Schipperke) - BOB x4
  • BlackAsh Authorised Digger (Russell Terrier) - BOB x3
  • BlackAsh Fool's Errand (Spinone Italiano) - BOB x11 BOS (HT) x11
  • BlackAsh Cognitive Linguistics (Africanis) - BOB
  • BlackAsh Ilha Terceira (Portuguese Water Dog) - BOB, BOS (W) x6, 3rd Most Acc x4
  • BlackAsh Moon Love (Toy Poodle) - BOB x11
  • BlackAsh Under the Weather (Spinone Italiano) - BOB x2
  • BlackAsh Zeaxanthin (GWP) - BOB x3
  • BlackAsh The Adventurer (Russell Terrier) - BOB x5
  • BlackAsh A Night in Tunisia (Toy Poodle) - BOB x5
  • BlackAsh Fool for Love (Spinone Italiano) - BOS (W) x2
  • BlackAsh Trip the Light Fantastic (Spinone Italiano) - BOB x2, BOS (W) x14, 2nd Most Acc x9, 1st Most Acc x5 (11/2020)
  • BlackAsh Incorrigible (GWP) - BOB x6
  • BlackAsh Swordbreaker (CAS) - BOB x9
  • BlackAsh Blues for Alice (Toy Poodle) - BOB x7
  • BlackAsh Serre da Estrela (PWD) - BOB, BOS (W) x21, 3rd Most Acc x1, 2nd Most Acc (12/2020) x4, 1st Most Acc x15 (12/2020)
  • BlackAsh Constellation (Toy Poodle) - BOB x11
  • BlackAsh Ponta da Barca (PWD) - 2nd Most Acc x1, 3rd Most Acc x2 (02/2021)
  • BlackAsh Obstinate Chaos (Russell Terrier) - BOS (E) x2
  • BlackAsh The City Forgotten (GWP) - BOB x3, BOS (RO) x21
  • BlackAsh The Explorer (Russell Terrier) - BOB x2
  • BlackAsh Accidentally in Love (Italiano Spinone) - BOS (W) x14, 1st Most Acc. x13 (03/2021)
  • BlackAsh Iron Forge (CAS) - BOB x12
  • BlackAsh Kaos for the Crown (Kooikerhondje) - BOB x2
  • BlackAsh How High the Moon (Toy Poodle) - BOB x16

dragonfyre, or fyre, or df


Sighthound Casso President April 2013.

I took a long hiatus from FP during 2014-2018. During this period, my much beloved dog Kim passed away. Kim is and always has been my avatar on FP.

Brickspace df: I live in England, I work full-time in canine rehab, I compete in agility and flyball, I have three dogs (1xBC, 2xASD). I'm active on tumblr, and I'm old enough to know better. I no longer offer art commissions. Pronouns she/her. Find me on

I always make an effort to respond to messages, but please be aware that it may take a few days for me to get back to you. I don't always have the mental resources to answer messages.
Please direct moderator-related queries to the Modbox. I do not accept friend requests.

Game Time

03:19pm on Mar 1

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