Grene Kennels

The Nature Lovers
Join my casso!

In RL I have a little Airedale pup called Lenny, who is settling into home well. :D An Airedale puppeh all for Grene!!! I live on the edge London (England, Britain, for those of you who don't know) but wish it was somewhere more rural. I am a true animal lover. I used to look after the luffly Pip, the rescue dog across the road in the evenings, but he recently died. ;_; I also have my Uncle's English Springer, Alfie, staying. I go horsie riding once a week, where I help out at the stables, and am waiting to be 16 so that I can help out at the vets. Over the summer, I have been helping out at a local farm. And that's pretty much my life story, or what you -ahem- want to know. I have a casso, named the Nature Lovers. Please join, and get involved! Oh yeah :D If you're bored, have a question, or just wanna talk, then please message me, I'll be happy to reply.
All of my dogs are double trained and entered the maximum amount of shows in their full potential.
At the moment, I'm not breeding with any external dogs.

All of the Bearded Collies have been bred and retired, the pups have not been kept by me.

My plans for Airedale Terriers are as follows:

Hummingbird's Hover x Eagle's Flight

Westchester's the Diva x Roaring Tempest

Mountain Fall x Roaring Tempest

They were all be bred at 88 and 100 days. I kept 4 for my lines and sold the other 4 on private sale.

This kennel is registered as Grene Kennels, with the prefix Gr-K which all of my dogs use, including the ones which I breed.

And if you're wondering why some of my dogs have short 'call' names and others have longer ones, the ones which are store bought don't get a long name, but the bred ones do.

17 October 2009
Have put a female (Airedale) up for sale, as I won't be breeding with her. Am also locking oldest dogs, to get them all to the same age.
26 August 2009
Going away to the caravan for a few days. Account lock. :P
29 July 2009
Grene ish going away for 10 days-ish. Account will be locked. :)
20 July 2009
Haven't updated for ages. Kindly got sold 24HH Airedale bitch Westchester's the Diva around age 30 L2. Brought her up to L37 by 101 days, unfortunately failed and forgot to breed one litter from her (although I bred the other one). Yes, I know, failed. The pups are not 24HH as I couldn't find a 24HH stud of the right age, but they are over 18HH.
4 April
Last 2 Beardie litters have been bred, pups up for reservation with prefix. The dogs will be retired tomorrow.
7 March 2009
Due to a real puppeh, I'm going to give up dogs on FP. The Airedales which I'm definately not keeping (I may keep a few dogs for weekends, not sure) are up for public sale at 20, the pups in the litters reservable at 25k. The Beardies will be bred as programmed, but all pups sold.
19 January 2009
Some dogs cannot be entered in full shows due to the bug. But oh well -shrug-
And Grene ish getting her very own doggeh!!! In about a month, a little Airedale puppy! 8D
25 October 2008
Going away to Prague for a week, account lock.
9 October 2008
The Bearded Collies that I am not keeping are now up for sale.
3 October 2008
Gah. Just logged in after an account lock to find that I locked on the day which was deleted. In other words, no, my current dogs/litters will not be full potential. Oh well. -cookie Kah-
18 September 2008
4 young Airedales are for sale. They are second generation from storebought, I'm aware that the genes aren't great, but if you're looking to start some lines, this is the place for you! They all have my Gr-K prefix. They're not named yet, either, just information for me. The older ones are trained and leveled, still being shown whilst for sale:
20 days male, EGEG, 10HH 2hh, L10+ - 100k
20 days male, EGEE, 7HH 2hh, L14+ - 120k
8 days female, EGGE, 8HH 3hh - 60k
8 days male, GGEE, 10HH 4hh - 60k
(Sorry, copied from post, couldn't be bothered to rewrite.) :P
13 September 2008
Should have updated a few days ago: first breeding of second generation Bearded Collies and second of first generation Airedales. Will decide which dogs to keep/sell later (have already decided on pups). The adult Airedales have been retired, Maisy with 5 x BoB Experience and 5 x BoB Accomplished. :D
13 July 2008
First Airedale breeding. I have decided which pups to keep from these litters, but not which to sell as I don't know what the others will turn out like.
Pippy died while I was on holiday ;_;
23 July 2008
Account locking as I'm on holiday in Scotland. :)
18 July 2008
Both have been sold. :D I will have more pups for sale with each breeding, so look out!
17 July 2008
Autumn Leaf and Sunshine Ray have been sold for 20k each. Dark Forest and Grass Green are still available, message me or bid (20k).
16 July 2008
Autumn Leaf, Sunshine Ray, Dark Forest and Grass Green for sale. Message me, no definate price yet. Will go to good homes only.
10 July 2008
Gotta account lock because I'm going to various school productions!
4 July 2008
Haven't updated for ages! Whistle of Wind got a BoB Accomplished award a few days ago! I've redone my breeding plans for the next generation of Beardies.
25 May 2008
Gah. Gotta account lock 'cos I've been kicked off the computer. -eye roll-
18 May 2008
o.O I haven't updated for ages. I've got a casso now, called the Nature Lovers.
28 April 2008
For the moment, I'll stick to these colours.
22 April 2008
Wow! Now I have a banner thanks to Lust! I luff it. <3
I have decided to keep only 4 of the 8 Bearded Collies that I am breeding. Once I have bred them I will decide which ones to keep and put the others up for private sale. Oh yeah. I'm changing the colours on the layout to make the banneer stand out more, so it might look a bit strange at the moment.
14 April 2008
Yay! Back on FP!
5 April 2008
Account locked 'cos I'm going on holiday to Greece :D
4 April 2008
Right. Today I'm going to train in the right sport.
3 April 2008
Great. Just trained the wrong dog in the wrong sport. Thank goodness for double training and that it's got one boosted stat as major :/
1 April 2008
April Fool's Day!
23 March
I'm gonna take on Airedales as well today, and I just got a Wacom Bamboo Fun!
21 March 2008
Account locked for 1 day due to visiting Grandparents
20 March 2008
Ish elite and about to breed :D
15 March 2008
Yup! Edited the layout again and hopefully I won't be doing it for a long time now!
7 March 2008
RIP Bobtail my rabbit :(
6 March 2008
Yay! FP again. I'm tired. I wanna go to bed. Oh yeah. I also forgot to say last time thanks to Alida #440401 for the manip :D
2 March 2008
Whoo! After about a month's worth of coding, I've finally finished this layout! Thanks so much to all those HTML posts on the Help Board! Now all I've got to do is input the text... but, -sigh- account locking once again :( Mondays are rubbish.

Layout and coding © Grene #497280

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01:02am on Mar 8

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