Little Creek Kennel

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.:. About The Kennel .:.

+Little Creek Kennel+
+Run by Bustin Loose #498+
+Kennel Prefix: LCKs+
+Kennel Size: 12+
+Currently Housing 0 out of 24 Dogs+
+Min. Breeding Level Req: 15+

Hello and welcome to Little Creek Kennel!
It appears as though I'm going to be getting back into Vizslas.
As a side breed I will be breeding Pit Bulls.

.:. About The Owner .:.

To begin, my real name is Kelsey.
I live on the east coast of the United States.
I'm a Junior in college majoring in Animal Sciences with an Equine minor.
I have 2 horses a Dutch Warmblood and a Quarter Horse.
Anything else just ask.

.:. Services .:.

Show Entering Form:Open

~ Show Entering Form Prices ~

- 50 Shows - $1000 + Entry Fees
- 30 Shows - $500 + Entry Fees
Note: All of these are any fee range.

.:. The Dogs Of Little Creek Kennel .:.

This is where we will be posting all of our most acomplished dogs.

7/29/07 - Our highest leveled male dog to date - Rock n Roll retired at level 42
8/6/07 - Our highest leveled female dog to date - Secret Hope retired at level 42

.:. LCK Studs .:.

+Studs will be avaliable at lvl 20+
+Stud fee for lvl 20-30 flat rate of $50,000+
+Stud fee for lvl 30-40 flat rate of $70,000+
+Stud fee for lvl 40+ flat rate of $100,000+
+lvl 20-30 studs: Females must be at least lvl 15(Store bought females must be at least lvl10)+
+lvl 30-40 studs: Females must be at least lvl 20(Store bought females must be at lease lvl 15)+
+lvl40+ studs: Females must be at least lvl 30(Store bought females must be at lease lvl 25)+
+Note: Stud fees subject to change+

Dogs Name Breed Level Stud Fee Parent Levels

.:. LCK Females .:.

+Females will not be leased out, no exceptions+
+Females will be bred 2 times: 88FP Days & 100FP Days+
+If puppies will be sold, it will be advertised+
+Note: All puppies coming from this kennel will have prefix+

.:. LCK Goals .:.

+Breed 24HH 4E Dogs+
+Break kennel record and have a Vizsla at lvl 43 plus+

.:. LCK Planned Breedings .:.

.:. Other/Updates/Notes .:.

- Thanks to T.yrant for this layout. -

.:. Tags .:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Layout by T.yrant #26602

Note to self:The vizslas are in the sporting group, and that group has strong stats of INT SPD and STM. On the puppies 6th day I will look at those stats and which ever one is the highest I will multiply that by 1000 and that will be the price of the puppy. Names: FelonyAffair

Game Time

11:03am on Mar 4

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