Ember Mile Kennel


About the Owner

Heya! I'm Chardraen, but feel free to call me Char, or even by my actual name, Ashley. I'm 27 years old and living in Washington with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs. In my spare time I draw, binge watch/rewatch all my favorites TV shows (Supernatural, Bones, The Flash, CSI: Miami, etc), and watch game streams c: I used to play WoW a lot, but can't afford the time or cash right now for a sub D: It's still a huge passion of mine though, and my fursona is actually loosely based on my druid character! I can be found on dA and on a couple other SIM games all under the same name.

My Fursona

As mentioned above, my fursona is inspired by my World of Warcraft druid character by the same name. She first came to life with this craptastic drawing of mine in January of 2012; click, which was before I even came back to FP full time. At the end of 2012 I decided that she needed a proper design and ended up winning an auction from Lithxe, who has since become a dear friend of mine, and was able to get Chardraen a fleshed out design, seen here; click. Late 2013 brought an updated reference and a slight design change to her deer form, she also gained a new form and an additional pet, which you can see here; click. This came about after I got back into WoW for a short time and decided she needed to mesh better with my druid character and is how she will stay currently.8215129_orig.png5114344.png6547538.png

Ember Mile Kennel

Here at Ember Mile we specialize in Papillons, Xoloitzcuintles, and soon to be Korean Jindos. There are a few breeds on the side, though they are there to help me gain UXP. I'm currently aiming for solid 24HH dogs before I proceed on to lala's and stat boosts, though if possible I try to improve those at the same time.



The Art Side

My To-do List; Click
PM me if you should be here!

My Characters

All characters are here; boop But my most used are;

Game Time

10:04pm on Mar 27

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