

First off, my MSN account: [CLICK]
You should totally add me. :D

Hi. I'm Atlas. I do art and I do some of that doggy dog stuff...
Good luck with that.
My DeviantArt page is here.

Would you like to know more about me?
Well, for starters, I'm not old. That's for sure. I'm still young. But I'm not naïve. No no no. I'm not naïve.
I love art. I love love love art. I spend a lot of time just staring at art on the internet, and I marvel about it constantly.
I'm emotional. I'm very emotional. I'm not emo. I don't cut myself. I only deal with my problems by crying. I cry a lot. I can't help myself, but I do cry.
I love music. I usually have the perfect song for every situation.
My favourite bands include:
Keane, Muse, Julian Casablancas, The Strokes, Evanescence, Daft Punk, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, Toby Mac, Kj-52, Coldplay, Depeche Mode, Gotan Project and Bajafondo Tango Club
I can triforce properly and I know the alt codes. And I congratulate those of you that actually get this reference.

I do digital art. A lot. I dislike traditional art because I dislike not being able to use ctrl+z.
Ctrl+z is my friend.
The cake is a lie.
There are no girls on the internet.
I am a girl.
I despise pain.
I experience pain every single day I'm alive. No exceptions.
My body doesn't work the same way most bodies do.
Pain is my friend. It means I'm still alive.
I can't wait to die.
I love life.
I love my family.
I wish my family cared a little bit more about me.
I get a lot of my inpiration from music.
I get a lot of inspiration from music.
Music inspires me.
Art makes me.
I am not animalistic. I like animals. I like drawing animals.
I do not like, like animals.
I'm lazy.
I'm compulsive. I hate it when men fall in love with me after a month of knowing me. It makes me feel fake.
I'm not a lesbian.
I like men.
I have a wife.
I love my wife.
She loves me.
I'm a Christian.
I love God.
I enjoy solitude a little too much.
I can keep myself entertained for months.

▲ ▲



Click for links to each:

(Fursona) Void.

(Character) Jack.

(Character) Sway

(Character) Sparrow

Sparrow art by Mel.

Art that I have done in the past:
(From oldest to most recent)
Click for links to each.

For Night (#50230)
Kipper's contest -Unable to pay-
Art commission for GB
One of my first Tablet drawings.
My mom as a disney princess.
For a contest that I never won and that no one will buy. This is for sale, btw.
My shiny...
Vent art.
Art for my RL friend, Sven.
Art for my RL Bestie, Jessie.
Random .gif animation.
Charrie for sale.
Random sketch for Sparrow. This is wayyyy unfinished.
Art for my RL friend, Logan. (First serious attempt at drawing males.)
An epic fail.
My first serious attempt at sci-fi digital art.
Art commission for Infamous.
Hatsune Miku fanart. (Anime)
My Fursona, Void.
My friend, Rogan's, fursona, Rogan.

If you see anyone using any of my art anywhere without my explicit permission, please alert me as soon as possible. Tags

Tags by others for me!

Tags made my me


Vardan & Atlas collab (I sketch and line) -- Werecats

That art that I promised Spike (Rat terrier and cat)!!!!

Omni & Atlas collab (I base and colour) -- Rockjw

Atlas and Minnie Paws collab (I base and colour) -- Dachsund

Atlas and Anz collab (I base and colour) -- Sheep!

About The Kennel

This is Atlas's primary account which she uses for art deals and a little bit of dog showing, but not a lot. If you would like to contact me about my art or anything, please do not hesitate...

Art by Atlas

DeviantArt page is still RIGHT HERE.


Coding, art, banners, & all pictures are copyright to ATLAS (#90750) and are NOT to be taken and used in ANY way, shape, or form.
This means no reselling, no reposting, no nothing.
So stop right there and don't EVEN think about it.


Art commission status:

Art commissions:
Tag = 1 fpp
2 Layouts (Design and Coding) = 10 Million FPD
2 Full Body, 1 Pose = 3 Million FPD
2 Full Ref Sheets = 6 Million FPD
4 Tags = 2 Million FP
Collab with Vardan

Art commission pricing:
Headshot/tag (Sketch & colored): 1 fpp
Full body, one pose: 3 fpp
Full Ref sheet (several poses, details worked out through messaging): 6 fpp

Layout commissions (Like the one you see here):
Layout commission Status:
Layout commissions:

Layout commission pricing:
Just coding: 5 fpp
Coding & banners/art: 10 fpp

All currencies accepted.
1 fpp = 500k FPD
1 fpp = $.50 USD
All USD purchases go through PayPal

Things you need to know before you commission me:

First and foremost, I work on MY time. I don't have to do commissions, so be glad I do. :D
I am a student above all. Schoolwork comes before you. Always.
I do not have deadlines.
However, I should not take over 2 weeks to finish a commission.
In the event that you do commission me and I take over 2 weeks to
a. Get back to you
b. Let you know how it is coming along
c. finish
you have my permission to pester me relentlessly.
YOU are responsible for keeping me in check. YOU need to message me as often as you need to to make sure I'm getting the job done.

Game Time

04:18am on Mar 12

Welcome Guest

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