Glass Bell Kennels

~*~Welcome and News~*~

Glass Bell Kennels (GlsBl) is me going back to the beginning with what I used to breed, plus a dding a new breed or two. Currently I am focusing on Labradors and Curly Coated Retrievers, in addition to Chinese Cresteds. I can boast several dogs that have made BOBs in the rankings, both retired and occasionally currently showing.

I breed for HH first, and quad boosts and colors second. My current goal is to get all of my breeds to consistently reproduce 24HH.

~*~Sales and Puppies~*~

I actually offer dogs for sale quite a bit, and usually on public sale if I don't intend to keep them long. When I'm establishing a line or restarting a line, however, I will rarely have dogs for sale unless I am done with them. If I have bred the dog, it will be prefixed. All dogs of the appropriate level will be registered.

Puppies are always sold on reserve with prefix, and are always a "pay what you want" type of deal.

~*~Stud Questions~*~

Yes, I allow my males to be used by the public for stud, after a certain level. :) I reserve the right to deny your stud request, however. If I do deny it, I will always, always message you a reason why. Most times it is because I either need the breeding(s) that day or because I don't feel it would be a good match.

Game Time

06:00am on Mar 28

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