DREAM: A Wish Your Heart Makes Inc.

A Wish Your Heart Makes Inc.

Welcome, visitor, to DREAM, a subdivision of A Wish Your Heart Makes Incorporated. We are currently aiming to create our own 24HH lines as well as maintaining high leveled breeding requirements.

Our Goal.
To promise, raise, level and breed superior dogs to increase the breed standing and overall scores.
All dogs are taken care of daily, kept at 100%. They are shown to their maximum potential to increase their levels and breeding ability. Genetics do play an important role in our overall breeding charts.

Our Focus.
Norwegian Buhunds. (5.3.2016)
Golden Retrievers. (4.12.2017)
Alaskan Klee Kai. (6.08.2017)
Rough Collies. (6.22.2017)

Upcoming and Available Litters.


Please contact Navii. (#519529) After all, we dare to DREAM. Do you?

Game Time

03:17pm on Feb 19

Welcome Guest

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