Green Ivy Acres
Welcome to Green Ivy Acres. My main goal is to try to get 24HH lala EEEE dogs on my own without any outside help. Might take me a while but I'm confident I can do it. I specialize in Saint Bernards, Croatian Sheepdogs, Sussex Spaniels and Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers.
Former name: Champion Hills (former prefix: BONES)

Before I write more about my Kennel, I decided to add more information about myself. I love playing video games and watching anime. The video games I'm currently obsessed with playing are the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons farming simulation games. I also like the Pokemon series and Animal Crossing New Leaf, I like PC games like Sims and Rollercoaster Tycoon and I'm currently saving up to buy a gaming computer so I can play them. I'm obsessed with anime and as I type this, I completed 492 anime in the span of 4 years and counting. My favorite anime of all time is Sailor Moon (the original, not Crystal) with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail finishing off my top 3 favorite anime of all time. I'm always up for talking about anime, any anime, just shoot me a message, I can talk about anime for hours, even give recommendations. You can also shoot me a message just to chat. But I don't accept random friend requests. Let's see.....oh I draw and do art but not nearly as much as I used to and I don't do art for people anymore because its to much of a task that I am too lazy to do, besides I found out a while ago, that art and drawing isn't a passion of mine, I get bored when I'm drawing or I don't have the concentration skills to keep at it so I'll leave the art to other people and stick with what I DO like: Animals, gaming and anime. So that's about it.

I only buy dogs from other players because some of the achievements on this game require me to do so, but I don't breed dogs I buy from other players, except for the Diversifier Achievement. I also don't sell dogs I bought from other players. I raise them until they are retirement age then they are retired. Dogs I bought from other people also don't get my kennel prefix. Only dogs I imported, bred myself or bought from the store get my prefix, I also don't put dogs in the humane society. If I have a dog I don't want, I either sell it or retire it. Please don't message me asking if I want to buy a dog from you. I buy from people only when I need to for the achievements.
I will occasionally have dogs for sell on here. However, any dogs I have for sale will not be younger than 20 Furry Paw days old. And they will be sold with all their items. Any dogs I sell will be locked and on private sell for 3 days. If I don't have any takers, I will put the dog up for public sale (still locked) and the price will be reasonable but not cheap. I'm willing to negotiate prices for dogs on Private sale. I don't do kennel checks because once the dog is out of my kennel, it's no longer in my hands what happens to it. I'm not going to micromanage people on here with dogs I no longer have ownership of. These are pixels, not real dogs so they aren't really being mistreated.

I no longer have a breeding account as I decided to just be a breeder on this main account since my goal is to breed high quality dogs without outside help. I breed females at age 88 and 100. Sometimes they will be bred earlier or later, depending on how I feel about whether it will be beneficial. Females will only have one mate. The male I breed her with at age 88 will be the same one she will breed with again at 100. Litters will start being up for reserve after I breed my 10th generation of the breed as they will be hopefully good enough quality for people to want to bid on them. Also, they will always be up for bid with my prefix. Males might have more than one mate, but never have more than 3 mates and those 3 mates will be his breeding partner until I retire him. I don't breed dogs until they are at
least level 20. I do try to avoid inbreeding, but sometimes it might happen if I can't find a suitable mate for any of my dogs. I do have some rules I follow if I inbreed. One is I will not breed a puppy to its mother or father and two, I will not breed puppies to their siblings. I may breed puppies if they have grandparents in common. Yes, I import dogs from the market. I try to make it a rare thing to do but it might happen if I can't find suitable mates for the pups I breed. I will not put up any litter for reserve if one of the parents is an imported dog. My dogs (males or females) are never up for public breeding, so please don't ask because the answer is going to always be no. I'm trying to accomplish a goal here.
Currently focusing on: Breeding out the hh gene
Upcoming Breedings for my kennel can be viewed here

I always train my dogs in a sport that appears under their "Recommended Sports". Aptitude in a sport is a factor for me when I choose what to train the dog in but it's not a huge factor because sometimes none of the sports the dog is adept at appear under the recommended sports. My dogs are all trained in only one sport. and each sport focuses on one stat. Table below shows what stat gets raised with each sport
Stats |
Sport(s) |
Agility (agi) | Agility |
Charisma (cha) | Show |
Intelligence (int) | Tracking, Obedience |
Speed (spd) | Earthdog Trials, Flyball |
Stamina (stm) | Herding, Hunting Trials, Field Trials |
Strength (str) | Pulling, Water Work |
First 300 Quality Litter
- Unyielding Loyalty x Love Live - Wire Fox Terrier (Bred 11/13/21 - Reached 300 Quality 11/15/21)
First Dog to Reach Universal Champion