/G/oing /I/n /B/ l i n d

/G/oing /I/n /B/lind:
Here at /G/oing /I/n /B/ l i n d, I raise Siberian Huskies as our priority. Every Husky here is shown daily, given the best items/food for their lvl, and not bred more than three times ever in my ownership. Special cases such as I forget to check what amount a dog has bred before I bought may apply.

We aim for 24HH, EEEE, double boosted dogs with the highest multiplier possible (Tho it's slow going cuz I'm dumb lol)

No dogs here at /G/B/ [/G/oing /I/n /B/ l i n d] is bred before level 15 or before day 88 (Minus projects where I'm aiming for better genetics before showing such as with store stock). At level 50 males will be open for public breeding so long as your female is also lvl 15+ but females will never be open to public breeding.

If you wish to breed with one of my females your male MUST be at level 15+ before I accept and you must message me to work out payment. I usually take SPOL as payment if possible. If not I work out a FPD/FPP Price [this can happen should I not find a puppy I want to pick too]

I will not do any breeding with anyone for my females after day 97. If I am offered POL I may be open to breeding my female on Day 98/110. Message me about that.

Personal Breeding Goals:
I breed my ladies at Days 88 and 101. I try and match them with the best sire possible for the puppies I am after. Currently, after realizing I have some weird genetics I don't want lol, I am aiming for x4 STR, lala, 24HH huskies while ideally preserving the Blue Eyes gene (yy) when possible.

My other breeds (Shikoku, Shiba Inu, and West Siberian Laika) are still a huge W.I.P genetics wise but I'll be aiming for x4 stat boost, lala, 24HH genes with these as well. With my WSL's I'm aiming to get genetics I want before I start adding them to the competitions and such to level them. The others are being level'd before breeding as that's how I started with them and no point stopping now lol.

Buying / Selling : No dog in my kennel is up for public sale. If you are interested in a certain dog or a pup from my litters that I have on occasion message me or bid on the pup if it's up to reserve.

I am specific about where my main dogs go to. I only sell to proven show homes who will give my dogs the best possible care. I will not sell a pup to anyone who has dogs bred before at LEAST lvl 15, preferably higher, or with dogs that have been bred a lot. HOWEVER, An exception is made if you are breeding for genetics before showing.
I also do not accept any bid on litter pups until day 5. I do not sell my puppies without /G/B/ so do not even ask.

Game Time

10:15pm on Mar 3

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