Royal Canines

  • All dogs will be sold to a permanent showing home.
  • All dogs must be shown daily.
  • All dogs must be trained daily.
  • All dogs must be fully cared for.
  • Must not retire early.
  • You must not be a rescue (even if it's just one kennel of rescues).
  • All dogs are fed level-appropriate stat-raising foods and are equipped with level-appropriate accessories.
  • If, for any reason, you no longer want the dog, you must contact me first so I can buy it back.

Pricing for my dogs:
- $750 x highest stat + $3,000 x (HH - hh)
Pups (6-11 days):
- $500 x highest stat + $3,000 x (HH - hh) + $500 (for training) + $1,500 (for equipment)
Pups Grown Up:
- $3,500 x (HH - hh) + $3,000 x (level - 1) + (equipment cost)

  • Females must be above level 30.
  • Your dogs must be fully taken care of.
Please Note: I only stud out male dogs that are at least level 30. I don't stud out for free, prices are nonnegotiable. If a stud is locked, send a request anyway, I'll try to unlock as soon as I can. Please don't message me to unlock a stud and then not use him, otherwise I will not accept any future breeding requests from you.

Stuff will go here as soon as people message me asking questions! <3>
Welcome to Royal Canines, or RoCa for short. I'm here to breed quality, high stated, high leveld, and 24HH Smooth Fox Terriers and Wire Fox Terriers.

I breed my dogs at days 89 and 101 (unless I am elite! Then it's only at 101 FP days). That way they are at their highest possible level so their puppies are great.

I stud out my males at level 30 or 40. You need to pass my breeding requirements as well as my kennel check. Please allow a few days for me to accept any breed request. I do not stud out my females.

Please do not inquire about dogs for sale in my kennel. I do not randomly sell my dogs. If I have a dog for sale, then it is for sale, but I won't just put up a dog for sale because you asked or whatever.

Please do not send me messages asking me to "check out" your kennel or buy your dog(s) or what-have-you. Do any of the two offenses, I will kindly ask you not to send me messages like that. Keep doing it and I'll block you.

I've Got Quality Smooth Fox Terriers on
I've Got Quality Wire Fox Terriers on

Game Time

12:25am on Mar 21

Welcome Guest

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