Welcome to Royal Canines, or RoCa for short. I'm here to breed quality, high stated, high leveld, and 24HH Smooth Fox Terriers and Wire Fox Terriers.
I breed my dogs at days 89 and 101 (unless I am elite! Then it's only at 101 FP days). That way they are at their highest possible level so their puppies are great.
I stud out my males at level 30 or 40. You need to pass my breeding requirements as well as my kennel check. Please allow a few days for me to accept any breed request. I do not stud out my females.
Please do not inquire about dogs for sale in my kennel. I do not randomly sell my dogs. If I have a dog for sale, then it is for sale, but I won't just put up a dog for sale because you asked or whatever.
Please do not send me messages asking me to "check out" your kennel or buy your dog(s) or what-have-you. Do any of the two offenses, I will kindly ask you not to send me messages like that. Keep doing it and I'll block you.