lonely dysprosium

Click for My Characters! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOP LEFT BOX:


*Special note about this box only: because of the placement of the shibe image, to scroll, you have to click about halfway down the scrollbar and drag, or just drag through the text itself. The element of the shibe image is technically "covering" the top part of the scrollbar.

Hey! I am Dyzkei! Pronounced (dies-key); I've been on FP since 2010-ish and have been drawing since I had the ability to hold a pencil. I love anime and manga and my favorite animals are crows, eels, and bats! I have a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Comic Illustrations and Graphic Novels. I hope to one day write many stories/comics and become a character designer/cartoon illustrator. I enjoy making stories with friends too! I'm not very outgoing but I'm forever a child at heart. I do respond slow but I do read all messages! It's okay to send me a second reminder because I do tend to 'think' I replied and in reality, I didnt. haha

THE LONELY DOME (lonely dysprosium aka. lodys)

I don't work on the dog side of FP...I do think it’s pretty neat, I just don't log in enough. Trying to change that tho!


- Have a great day!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOP RIGHT BOX:


I may have mentioned earlier that I have some of the most wonderful friends on FP. Honestly, I couldn't live without them as they have carried me through the majority of my hard times. Some people may not be here because I couldn't find an icon or they left FP but could be in contact via discord! - I'll probably ask you if I'm not busy!
Talk to them, they are amazing!!
(No particular order, just how they appear on my friends list)

kYBYBYM.png iRNclg6.png YBkhrVs.png 6033054_orig.png MbV4rfl.png fKCxM3j.png 2375408_uS5fCnmJQrRyRzE.png BWAN8fD.png iL69w9y.png d4Bmtw8.png BJtzHhL.png


Click the tiny icon of Key following your page at the bottom to be directed to my website! The one here will direct you to my Imgur album!
Note: All characters are in my imgur album but not on my website!



As of right now I'm pretty much can be found a lot of places!


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If my commissions are open, I'll probably post on ASB! If we have spoken before and you wanna commission me hmu.
commissions are currently CLOSED
(only taking the ones on my post on USD ASB)


- art for Xinqi

- Art Trade/Character Trade for Nao! if you should be here, questioning your status, or want an update please message me ?! I am currently in uni/college, so things may be slow. Thank you for being patient, as I can't do many things fast like I used to. :")


Commission site will go here ~.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTTOM RIGHT BOX:


Do you do free art requests?
I do! I usually ask around on the FP Discord or on the boards!

What programs do you use?
Paint Tool Sai

How many names do you go by currently?
I use the name Dyzkei, and Krotastic most frequently. Buffylo is another name I use.

Any rules on your art?
My basic rules are NO reselling. Trading is fine and Breeding is limited! If you need to sell, let me know!!! I don't mind working with you!

Can we be friends?
Friend requests are fine, but if you actually want to be a genuine friend, talk to me!! If we click then we click. Please don't ask, just step out! Im a really shy and anxious person so you may have to bare with me.

Have you done anything interesting?
LOL no, but I am working on making a Youtube channel and comic making, so please come check it out!! (Check "Find Me" section on my layout.)


Check above :0

Game Time

07:38am on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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